Stryker Trailwood

not that the guy deserves any credit, but you could easily copy the movie from posters/internet and still not have seen the movie Cars...

i didn’t know that about Pandorum. That would explain the sorta plot overload/confusion i had on first watch.

it’s not perfect, but I enjoyed it.

watch the movie “Pandorum”

he means pokemon that you had caught before starting the mission didn’t count. anything you caught once it started counted, regardless of if it was new to you or not.

for as crap as wonder trade can be and has been, i’ve had many nice trades since omega ruby/alpha sapphire and had a lot of nice ones so far in sun/moon.

They do, it’s hilarious

i’ve got an X/Y 3ds XL and it lags with normal battles and startup.

clarkson and may will be massive, hammond will finally be normal size.

i wasn’t trying to claim that they want to be our friends and I have had to deal with insurance companies, they are not my friends.

what? he said this was covered under his comprehensive insurance, it wasn’t caused by a collision or someone else and he wasn’t trying to claim it as such...

completely agree, we see these kinds of circular fill in lights all the time on mules.

I got a slowpoke names U.S. Economy.

That Hot Lava bB/xB tho!

if they were visible under the official uniform socks he would be.

you can’t trade or transfer any pokemon from Sun/Moon into any of the older games. any pokemon you transfer into Sun/Moon from older games using pokemon bank can’t be transferred back into the older game.

does this mean it’s going to be possible to stream pokemon on the Disney XD apps? (apple tv?)

It is in Disney’s best interest to make the most money from airing both properties in the prime time slots.

i wonder how viable this could be for something like baton pass

several other do learn it naturally or by breeding.