Stryker Trailwood

I hated everything about the seat/controls/handlebar positions on the Fat Boy I had. You can change these things easy enough, but the fat boy wasn’t the bike I wanted so I wasn’t going to spend money/time changing it.

i am waiting for the day that this is available, compact and convenient enough for everyone.

her reaction shows how much she loves this 20lb. helmet...

what if i told you most scion dealers will add the NAV to most unclaimed/personalized orders...

i want a mariokart star button on my car too!

he’s commenting on my comment that MST3k can make anything funny. he thinks the starship troopers rifftrax isn't funny

i think you may have got me there.

objection, I thought it was funny and never think they take anything legitimately serious when they are riffing.

fill in the blank, it will always be true.

i bet their new years resolution was to cut down on those hefty run times.

if this wasn’t a tiny Kei car, i would bet money that toyota would take this and bring it over as a new scion

i sliced my arm just passed my wrist on a brake disc/dust shield once.

Fuck all these people.

this is fantastic!

in my high school, we had specific Auto body, for all exterior painting/bodywork, and Auto Tech, for everything electrical/mechanical.

this is also my favorite, but for anyone new to the forum(s) they are looking for, SEARCH.

these are my favorite things

I remember a LONG time ago, a Dodge dealer in my area were giving away a free Neon with new Dodge Ram truck purchase.

my god, one of these came included on the second computer my family ever bought... we never used it.

The Many Names of Gronk has been one of my favorite regular things to read on Deadspin.