aww wittle baby can’t handle it? too fucking bad!
aww wittle baby can’t handle it? too fucking bad!
So who gets to make the list about jokes you can or can’t make? I want the CV of whoever gets to make that comprehensive list.
Things to note:
pretty sure it would qualify under the Sherman Antitrust Act Section 1
NCAA conspiring with Universities against a small subset of competition which would be Rich Paul’s agency and anyone similar.
Section 1 has been used effectively against the NCAA.
the NCAA has defenses too but it would open up their little underworld…
Legal department finally did real work there at NCAA HQ. They were picking a fight they could not win and were possibly going to lose their shirts over. There is no doubt that there are emails hating on Rich and probably back and forths creating the text of the rule. But whoever had the idea to go attack the guy who…
Website post hoity toity near native advertising article with ridiculously over priced items for sale on recommendation, doesn’t close comments, and doesn’t really understand their reader base.
Old navy for quality that you can abuse and wash without worry. Olivers and rhones and under armour retain bacteria more…
Website post hoity toity near native advertising article with ridiculously over priced items for sale on…
because this is America, he CAN fire him... but there is protections for the player because this is America and he has a CBA!
Have you taken criticism to heart? A topic like this surely would have elicited a write up that was twice as long as this...
I’m gonna go buy a lottery ticket.
he started out very well... then he lost it.
Luis’ credibility on soccer is on par with Billy.
I was making a comment
forto create controversy dude(no comma here). I love posting controversial commentsor post fun(incoherent),it’s in my nature. Also, I do know how to punctuate(no comma). My spelling is not the best.andoh well, not everyone isa great spellers. To be honest I was tired when I saw this. I had…
Dulwich Hamlet FC
ooof, i don’t know how to say this, but I don’t associate with middle tier team fans... I also won’t be caught dead buying MD 2020 for you.
File this post under: questionable decisions that have proven to be bad decisions. It goes after, “when I decided to sport a mustache,” and “when i decided to blog opinions,” alphabetically.
Stick the thermometer up you but because I think you have a fever and are delusional.
FA cup early round exit, 6th place finish with negative goal differential.
Sounds like he’s a piece of shit, hopped up on drugs, mixed with alcohol... thus revealing himself in his truest, most honest uninhibited form of douchebag asshole piece of shit.
Hope he gets jail time but knowing every justice system in the world...
odd beliefs is the wrong descriptor. Harmful and wrong beliefs is more accurate.
This is possibly the worst blog ever written in the history of blogs.
Wedding bands or a ring with a bump of coke... that’s the extent of ring wearing. The catch is, you have to be high to do either.
If you see a guy wearing a ring that isn’t a sports championship ring, your immediate reaction is “what a douche!” and…
This is possibly the worst blog ever written in the history of blogs.
Wedding bands or a ring with a bump of coke...…