
now when they get home and panic stop in a non-jeep...

You make a good point; soldiers definitely got used to the way the Jeep handled, and it became built into their muscle memory to apply some steering correction.

just take a look at this video clip I randomly found showing a soldier in 1940s Berlin struggling to bring his Jeep to a stop in a straight line.

A little bit of history, a little bit of Jeep, and a little bit of engineering...

If you watch Roadkill, it explodes pretty regularly in the “Rotsun” 240Z they stuck this in. Goes like stink when it works though.

In a vacuum, Euron is a good villain to give Dany some issues conquering Westeros.

The second we realized where the scene was going, my friends and I started placing bets on whether they’d show it or not. I lost five dollars.

He’s the hero for killing off the entire Dorne plot for good.

Quick question: How long does it take a raven to get from The Wall to Winterfell? Is Bran just chilling there for no reason ir hoping that Jon moseys up there so he can yell “SURPRISE”?

If you look at a map, all Euron has to do is move out slightly from King’s Landing to the mouth of Blackwater Bay, the most obvious nearby strategic location, and he’s literally directly in the path from Dragonstone to Dorne. With the route they chose he doesn’t really even have to be trying to find them to stumble

It has been consuming me.

man i cracked the fuck up when the fireballs started. it’s like ryu was just off screen...SHORYUKEN...SHORYUKEN...SHORYUKEN...

Plus, the extended Missandei nude scene was pretty cool. Begs the question though, how does she return the favor? Bet it got real weird after the camera cut away. Also, Hot Pie spitting game at a girl he thought was a boy was very progressive of him.

I liked the episode, but the naval battle bothered me for several reasons:

Just silly how much torque those things have now a days. probably could of done the same thing on dry pavement. Also looks like a F450 Platinum, well over $70k for that thing (IIRC), so if he got a ticket, no problem there obviously.

People angry about the halo:

I know one guy that’s happy about this

Most of us can agree that Formula One needs some sort of cockpit protection on its historically open race cars.

It’s true. I’m tired of dragging out my Kik-Step every time I want to shut my hatch.

Two possible answers, one that specifically appeals to the Torch.

1 - Very low ceiling above the car when you are trying to get into the trunk.

2 - Very low height of a man that has trouble reaching up and grabbing the hatch to pull it down.