
Yea occam’s razor here would point to the conclusion that the dude killed himself. Why he did is anyone’s guess, but for Boeing to be behind it would require a WHOLE lot more assumptions than a guy under a lot of pressure killing themselves.

Not even Boeing’s famous quality assurance team could have done such a sloppy job. All they’ve done is just bring more attention to the problem.

yes, Panasonic built great batteries ahah

Eye patch on standby.

Reagonomics and its consequences have been a disaster for the American people.

And the high seas remain ad free

Many tech companies are tightening their belt buckles lately, followed by years of overzealous hiring and spending”

Also, I feel confident that in the over 80 years since the chocolate chip cookie was invented, someone (and statistically, probably an American) has already come up with this. It’s not a complicated enough idea to have only been first created in 2022, it’s just that this is the first time it’s been sold and then gotten

How it’s remotely possible that a fascist criminal like Trump even stands a chance at being elected is a mystery to me. It certainly doesn’t say anything good about my fellow Americans. BTW, I own two Alfa Romeos, a 4C and a Giulia Ti.

Given the option between China or Kotick having my data, I would choose China every time.

So ..... once it’s public, it will be run for the shareholders and not the users. Just like every other public company. In other words the IPO will destroy Reddit.  Also - Reddit doesn’t actually make anything. Apparently Wall Street hasn’t learned from the DotCom bust and the Tech Bros.

This IPO is gonna be a disaster.

this isnt a case of 4d Chess. likely whoever at Nintendo is answering Press emails isnt fully aware of who is making what at Nintendo. So it’s easier just to point to the game’s credits instead of giving people an incorrect reply.

Ah, the 90s.  The teal-iest of all eras.

Super Mario World is just perfect. It’s the ultimate distillation of everything the SMB series brought to video gaming. The level designs are inspired and endlessly inventive. The movement is intuitive, but very deep (you can do SO MUCH with the cape!) The character designs are filled with personality. There are

All it needs are a half-dozen yuge political flags. This has lived a hard 252K. The first time it breaks the new owner might be surprised at what is there to fix. Bonus.. buy this and you might be able to pick up Boebert. ND for both.

Too much credit? I almost only ever hear people shitting on it.
Which is sad because it was honestly a really fun game.

Besides, all Final Fantasy games were linear, there was usually very little “exploration” you could do, beyond where you were suppose to go in the first place.

I just raged so hard. 

The essence of exploration implies the existence of something to find.  What is there to find in the early parts of most Final Fantasy games?  The answer is nothing.  Nearly all the Final Fantasy games railroad the player down a linear path for the first half of the game.  The only thing 13 did any different from

Not every gamer places heavy value on exploration. There are plenty of games like visual novels where you can literally just mash one button for the entire game to get through it, sometimes pressing “up” or “down” to make a couple of choices.