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M.A.S.K. had one of the best theme songs. And even better when covered as punk!

Someone’s gonna get a really nice house out of that one. 

I believe that’s Nope IV: The Revenge.

So, depending on which source you use, that works out to between 10 and 13 seconds worth of revenue.  If they lose the appeal I wonder how they’ll ever be able to recover?

I do have a tendency to ramble...but not while I’m in the checkout lines!

They know that their constituents will blame the Dems anyway.

I hate DeSantis too, but yea, I think American citizens should have priority in buying land and property in their own country over foreign entities. But all foreign entities. Not just China.

I feel disgusting for having to agree with that piece of shit DeSantis but I actually agree with banning foreign entities from owning land / real estate within our boarders.
I’ve never heard a good reason for allowing this and as it stands there are so many vacant condo’s in Boston owned by foreigners as investments.


Employers should pay for all safety courses taken by an employee and also pay for the the employees’ time to take the courses.

Fitting that two of the worst organizations in America are known as the NRA.

If people want to be offended, they will find a way. The rest of us can enjoy the goofy humour and leave them to it.

You can play all classic retro games for free. 

COVID has been amazing with improving grocery stores: I can now order ahead and get the stuff put in the back of my car, entirely skipping all of the worst parts of grocery shopping while saving a crapload of time.

Going to once again shill my own little project here, like I do every six months:

At a school party, he and Alain Sailhac once told us the worst food in the world to waste was bread – some of their earliest memories were of getting extra bread rations from the Nazis because it had “gone green”, but it was still like mana from heaven.

Or at the very least, the author might have alphabetized the list before publishing.

The fact that they didn’t have a test with these exact variables is not surprising because when testing software you will NEVER have enough time to test everything.

I have this charger, recommended by my mechanic after I had some battery issues. It’s saved my butt several times. Super easy to use (connect, turn on, start your car, turn off, disconnect) and keep charged. Highly, highly recommend this for peace of mind.

I have this charger, recommended by my mechanic after I had some battery issues. It’s saved my butt several times.

This is the whole article.  You really shouldn’t need to explain any more than this.

Oh HELL yeah this would rule with schmaltz