
No recommendation for an actual degreaser... The main product found everywhere to do this exact job....

Um. Vinegar and baking soda mix to create water (and salts). Your magic degreaser is just diluted soap.

Yeah... worked in two retail jobs. Luckily one of them just let me wear black/whites which left me lots of options—- but working Walmart in college was annoying since I didn’t actually own any khaki or brown pants and they didn’t even sell any in women’s sizes in the store—- had to run to a goodwill and hope they had

Poor decisions were made here. And while it is currently sporting a stock stereo, you can bet your ass it recently didn’t and the wiring is likely all hacked up too. This one is a shit-show.

Maritime education in the Philippines is the most neglected proffession in my country and it was never been look at par with other proffession. Myself is a former seaferer for 32 years and i am proud of honing my skills and knowledge to the training i had gained on board as well as the superior training and education

I want the other half of this review where they review how the rally tires are day to day, driving on dry roads between storms and the maintenance costs and mileage.

There’s a reckoning coming. 

How about “just saying” less crap then?  She’s talking about other people purposefully and knowingly sharing pictures without the consent of the subject of said pictures when they are sexual in nature.  It sounds like you’re trying to claim that she has no ground in this because she “had an accident on stream”, as if

A $7,000 fine for Chik-Fil-A is the equivalent of an hour or two of operating revenue.

This was my first thought as well. Since most head-ons are partially offset, a RHD vehicle is exactly where you’d want to be.

First off, uh holy shit. Secondly, I bet it was because the postal truck is rhd

It really is exceedingly easy to cut one check a year and have a lot more control over the issue. Plus, a local grocery store where I live donates to a Christian organization that has an arm that is basically just a hate group, and I can’t imagine they’re the only store sending my donations to charities that are

TAS Batmobile will always be number one. 

Instead, you’re here on Kinja, jerking off about how real you are.

I don’t have the skills to do minis and don’t do tabletop gaming, but I like reading the novels. Gaunts Ghosts, Commissar Cain, Eisenhorn/Ravenor, and the newer Dawn of War/Dark Imperium books (with Guillaman returned) are my go to reads. Dan Abnett, Guy Haley, and Sandy Mitchell are my favorite authors in the

I don’t know why you didn’t talk about the PC game. That’s a WAY less expensive way to get into playing the game. Well, not including the cost of the PC... ;-)

Can we all finally admit that Tim Burton’s Batman Returns is an excellent Christmas movie? And has the runner-up of best Batmobiles?

That picture of the “anti-theft” shopping carts appears to show the European system, which is simply insert a 1 euro coin to unchain the cart, then you get your coin back when you lock up the cart again.

Now playing

It’s not a great snowboarding game. I played it. It’s garbage!

This is a great snowboarding game.

Get inspired developers! Fuck sim games!