
I think it’s your parental instinct to see threats that you ignored before. I’m slightly older than you and the roads seem exactly the same now as ever and I’m in a bigger midwest city so I’ve got the full gambit of jackoffs in giant coal rolling trucks, shitty beaters, Euro douchebags, minivans and crossover moms, you

cool and has their shit together? Most of what I was wondering around in was people comparing what % of top listener to Taylor Swift they are, in full acceptance and love of how much of a dork that makes them and cheering each other as an inclusive community and not an ego fight to try and act like they were better

No they don’t, some do. They make choices of when they want to do something and when they feel safe to do it. They don’t exist as a single bucket of identical specifics.

Was wondering if it was a case of ‘different writers have different opinions’ or if it was single author inconsistency, thanks

took you 2 months to come up with that? fuck dude, move on with your life that’s pathetic

Because you clicked on this article and would have scrolled past the nobody.

Maybe she enjoys it, who are you to yuck an exhibitionists yum?

did Zack write that article?

Ah, if only Ricardo Montelban were still around

Because true mod support isn’t out yet.. People will bitch and whine and try to say it killed their dog but people played it to their satisfaction and are going to wait for a big swath of mods to come out when the GECK for it comes out because that’s how everyone plays the Bethesda games if possible.

the rads baked his sweat glands too so he smells like tanned leather, so much better than most smoothskins!

that laughing promotional commercial for Vault-Tec looking shot with MacLaughlan says otherwise to me

It isn’t the Prydwen, it’s the Caswennan which...I don’t recall the dialogue in FO4 enough to remember if they said it was their only airship or not but from the dialogue across the various games the Brotherhood does have some communication and supply lines with their central authority across the whole country that is

Titanfall 2. Titanfall was a solid multiplayer shooter with a cursory ‘single player’ mode to serve as a tutorial and that’s that.

OoT is an excellent game and one of the best conversions into the world of 3D ever...for my money, its much better than Mario 64. That said...I’ll take Link to the Past ANY day of the week! It polishes what made the original game great to a mirror shield sheen. Nothing wasted, nothing off the mark, everything from

Until I read it had the 6.7 instead of the 6.4 I thought this was a troll post and I was going to scream RUUUUUN from it because there are few bigger pieces of shit of a motors in the last 25 years. It would be a bad price at 2750 dollars let alone 27.5k if it had the 6.4 because you’d spend another 30 just trying to

PRIME pun work, but also actors have been investing in movies as producers for a century, and even if the film ends up being distributed by one of the major studios it is usually after production has ended and they bought it at a film festival.

If you think Aubrey Plaza is ludicrously wealthy, you have no idea what ludicrously wealthy is. If you haven’t tipped over into 10 digits of worth, you are still just ridiculously rich. If you can’t buy an NFL team, you aren’t ludicrously wealthy. She looks, and is, worth more than everyone that visits this site

I’ve never been wild about Minksy’s and the one near me closed last year but that does sound pretty good

One of my favorite things in Dark Souls 3 is battling through a grueling landscape, slogging through an interminable swamp at the base of an enormous bridge and then you pop out somewhere higher up once you have the context of where you’ve been and see’s all there, visible and connected, covering maybe