Are you going with Swinging on a Star or Side by Side?
Are you going with Swinging on a Star or Side by Side?
just another way the US is a fucking shithole
Nah, I’ll skip stealing art today
Oh! You’re a moron, got it. Sorry for talking to you to begin with.
Well, I disagree with you on every single point, but to each their own I suppose
need to loosen up your tin hat, bootlicker
you can play the original on pretty minimal hardware on steam and its regularly on sale for like 5 bucks...I’d scratch that itch and realize they improved quite a bit from 3. Now if it were NV...well, the writing alone makes it worth it
‘a lot’ isn’t that many, by install base percentage. I doubt 10% of PS5 owners have a PSVR2
everyone’s using the same design of switch, which sucks. Except for a small number of 3rd parties
OR intentionally keep really high to force yourself into a low hp state for bloodied weapons (biggest damage legendary modifier)
I think sexuality, like most things, exists on a spectrum and there are a looooot of guys that are waaaaay more bi than they are comfortable accepting and seeing that flirt option scares them because there is a part of themselves they want to deny that wants to click it.
and then say wanting to remove nazis makes *you* the real bad guy
oh the terror the American male can feel at ANY questioning of their masculinity. BIG TRUCK ONLY
I believe victims...unless they are CEOs. Never trust a CEO. Never piss on a CEO if they’re on fire.
If she can grift enough money out of her position, she’ll absolutely end up on some Bravo show or another I’m sure...
Excuses are for children, they’re making enormous profit so they have no need for excuses beyond the quelling blandishments of community managers who’s job is to dull the edge a little. They had other priorities to get out because they KNOW the number of people that tweak the brightness and they represent such a…
fuckin hell you were halfway there and still had to dive into petulant cynicism. More likely it’s just a totally harmless easter egg put there to be cute and fun. How about Occam’s razor before Hanlon’s?
zero excuse lol k, not saying its difficult but if you don’t get how priorities work then that’s on you
HAHAHAAA ah shit, you think that huh? fucking dork