
just remember people outside of a thing only talk about the worst parts of a thing because people L O V E to be outraged at a thing they aren’t a part of. Everyone is fucking addicted to it. Tik Tok is no worse than literally anything else, people just find a different way to make the same bitching and moaning about

I’ve never consciously thought about it for some reason, but you are absolutely right. They lean on you already being familiar with the series so they can’t stand entirely alone but they absolutely function as a trilogy

especially with seeing the saliva hanging off the uvula of the alien singer!

Oh well I’ll be damned, yeah they have several varieties but not the one they use for quesadillas? Wild

You can? they sell bottles of the various sauces now, I have a bottle of the creamy chipotle in my fridge right now, I made a mini tater tot burrito using it for lunch in fact!

never put your faith in the meaning of the message when you can use a loophole to dodge the letter of it!

which is sotted ass probably can’t even taste anymore

maybe they ditched mace after the colonies revolted since they seemed to like it and nutmeg so much

Sure hope this helps explain the stereotype of British cuisine being terrible

what? they all realize that, they just also know how much that costs vs how much it actually matters...which isn’t much, most people will keep trying until they get on for at least the first several days

Hell, it’s a pain in the ass to find in New Vegas, let alone Walmart!

yeah they exist, never disputed that, but they’re pretty uncommon after the invention of the Model T

Linktree ain’t going anywhere it’s the way people are halfway subtle about hiding their OF/Fansly links

no where did I suggest it didn’t exist, just that it hasn’t been all that common since...oh, since the west was won.

Sure, just funny to see such an old ass caliber around, even 40 years ago it wasn’t something that popped up much. Wonder if it was an heirloom or something they got ridiculously cheap from a pawn shop.

yeah, it was...before WWI. Not a lot of motherfuckers rolling around with an ancient Colt revolver at their side these days.

Yeah, was, back when .45-70 was popular too. It isn’t the 19th century anymore. Might as well say .640 was around before Texas was a state too.

a .44 revolver or a .45 automatic? Haven’t seen many .45 revolvers

No,, absolutely no, what? No!

Bonne Maman strawberry jam and preserves are excellent, but it is double the price of most of the competition so it damn well better be better. If I had kids eating the jar in a week no way in hell would I buy it, but just me having a sandwich periodically? Sure, its worth it