
the rise you get from butter vs oil is different, you can look up a lot of stuff about oil vs butter vs mixing the two as it’s a pretty common question

I can’t speak to other brands but while I and my parents love our Cosori air fryers function...they beep INCREDIBLY LOUDLY and there’s no way to adjust the volume, it’s loud enough my parents dogs will go hide because it hurts their ears. The only way to quiet it is to take the thing apart and put a piece of clay on

LJS always had my favorite chicken strips, ah the trips to get a styrofoam box of 3 big chicken tenders, fries, and a hush puppy with an A&W root beer.....and a side of 20 more hush puppies to split with friends through the night because high schoolers can eat anything and not feel it, man that was good times.


welcome to the speed of the justice system

Nice! Yeah there’s just something about the colors used and the depth of field and the fact that almost the entire game world is visible from various vantage points, giving you the feeling that you can just reach out and touch these areas that you spent what feels like days having to traverse to reach that makes the

that’s STILL on the pirates

Well, can argue a lot of these but One is right (har har) so it’s fine

being a broken mess and people complaining about Denuvo aren’t the same thing, and most of those are just Denuvo. You can thank pirate kiddies for that shit

and to very much be a broken record about it, the reason it’s a good port is because it’s made by a Western studio and not a Japanese one so they actually give a damn about the pc audience and don’t just make it as a half assed financial obligation

goddam its hard to find a ‘tradition’ that doesn’t sound like utter fucking idiocy

Need to put the Face Jam boys on the case

IS useless, they hate feeling like it’s obvious now

most people that aren’t pedantic twats put it with anime because it shares the same sort of style, thematic approach, and draws its inspiration from anime more than western cartoons. 

I think it’s the misperception, often by men, that women are only after guys that are nothing but hard, chiseled muscle that’s not that comfy to lean on on the couch and has an exhausting amount of physical upkeep and diet restrictions

“Before you apply the “stupid” label to whatever group you disagree with and move on, consider the possibly that you are the stupid one”

nothing the UK has done in the past several years has worked out well

PaRtY oF sMaLl GoVeRnMeNt

Travolta should have ditched the wig after Pulp Fiction. He’s a shitty person, but he’s a damned attractive bald man, 68 years old and looks younger than Braff at 47

Now that people know you can text that number, it’s going to get so many dick pics, so so many