So... I guess Steam itself still keeps the 30% of these new prices?
So... I guess Steam itself still keeps the 30% of these new prices?
But that’s nonsense - there aren’t subscriptions.
I don’t see why this is a problem?
OK but why?
If you really hate the company, have integrity and just don't play their games.
I’m actually going to be heading to my local warhammer shop saturday and picking up a Kill team core manual and start jumping in to the hobby. I want Tau but so much of the art style of different armies are cool, like Necrons, and i saw one imperium faction, something tempestus or whatnot, that looked cool.
For anyone curious the main image depicts scout marine of the Mortifactors chapter of Space Marines in Warhamener 40,000
Hate EA all you want but don’t pretend a popularity contest which pitted them against banks that ruined people’s lives is a valid thing to hold against them
Which was stupid, considering how evil the oil/chemical/financial/medical/etc companies the were up against are.
There is expanded mythos created by Brian Lumely in short story and novel in the 70s.
I live in dairy country, drink actual milk and feel just great about myself. I also have a pretty fucking low carbon footprint. Surely high horses give off more methane than cattle.
You can just say "this wasnt for me"
I'm sad this never got the love it deserved. Very addictive game. I'll miss it.
Buff Hoplite is my favorite MST3K character.
Japan is deeply rooted in a very strict form of social hierarchy. The individual has to adher and conform to the opinion of the group. This naturally also extends to manga art
Yeah... just jack those 80's 90's characters straight into my veins. I don’t think anime has gotten worse or anything, but that older style really speaks to me.
This is the state that elected Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul. Dullardism is the norm rather than the exception.
Ah yes, nothing better than seeing Republicans introducing more regulations while at the same time screaming about wanting more deregulation.
After asking this question, I went and tried it - 1/8 tsp gave additional puffiness to the omelette without adding flour. Also, unable to taste the baking powder.