
What? You don’t like paying 3x per lb more for your meat than you do at the store and don’t even have the ability to visually choose your cut?

What? You don’t like paying 3x per lb more for your meat than you do at the store and don’t even have the ability to

Top shelf shitposting!

No one owes you the courtesy to calm down.  If you don’t get to manage the responses you get, if you didn’t want people lashing back at you, you could have just said nothing.

Should this article have a header tag of ‘slow news day’?

Amid Evil’s was hilarious as well, that game looks like a trip

‘common politeness’ though is super subjective, particularly by country and age demographic

When it never existed in the first place, you’re just a sustained chemical reaction that isn’t complex enough to understand its own reaction chain.

well, I have to say, you didn’t make much of a case for it. Sounds popular because of...tradition and lack of better alternatives? For flavor it lacks character and for alcohol it lacks punch is what I got out of this. Add in that its probably easy to accidentally get one of the cheaper versions outside of Korea and

Then maybe go with something with a higher ABV so you don’t have to piss as much back out?

If if I buy a copy I suppose I had better get ready for a life and death car chase to happen soon after but at least it will be in a sweet Challenger! 

Not punching assholes isn’t courageous, it’s just.

There is a metric shit-ton of mid level JRPG’s...both Japanese and Western copycats that might be closer to what you’re after. A lot of ported PSP/Vita games, Steam games with the JRPG flag (can see if they’re ported to Switch if that’s what you’re using).  Depending on your threshold for cheese, I found the

Betrayed, just like Optimus...

Some people were playing video games before they could properly read y’know?  Don’t need to read to play Super Mario Bros

it certainly does.  Aneurysms, strokes, congenital heart conditions, any number of things can just blindly, out-of-nowhere flat out kill you at any age...the chances just climb as you age.

every release after SNES on a CRT is a ripe bitch though if you are trying to do the 100 jump for the super suit because of the timing being fucked up

Mechwarrior is the same... I don’t know that I really want to get MW5 since Windows 10 doesn’t read the inputs from my old Sidewinder joystick right...

Vector processed games were great, they really made the early arcade experience amazing

eat broken glass

Yeah, it’s better to grind people to death and leave them with nothing the moment they get sick like American capitalism!