Having played a lot of Shogun 2 and a bit of several of the other ‘Real World’ Total Wars........Warhammer 2 blows them all the fuck away by a shocking margin in terms of just fun to play as a game.
Having played a lot of Shogun 2 and a bit of several of the other ‘Real World’ Total Wars........Warhammer 2 blows them all the fuck away by a shocking margin in terms of just fun to play as a game.
Because there’s a fuckload more to an MMO than the other people in it.
Mamoru Oshii called and wants these designs for environment detail!
One thing you miss out on this format is the title for the Awkward Zombie comic is ‘Rat King of Fighters’ which is pretty excellent. If you don’t know what a Rat King is, give it a Google, enjoy!
Oh I know, how about no?
And I’d say if you want a slightly better series in the same vein as Vinland Saga, check out Kingdom!
Fire Force is by the guy that made Soul Eater and animated by the JoJo studio so I’m thinking it might be pretty worthwhile too if only for fight sequences
big fan of reading Mein Kampf eh?
Because it’s the opposite of Madoka, it has school children who get what’s coming from taunting a tiger
Anthem. Just take that fucker back down to the bricks and start over boys
I was at Babbage’s in the mall (a way, way back in the day game store) with my parents when I was maybe 12 and always went in just to look at the various games because it was exciting even though I didn’t have any money to buy a game. I saw a game that was on sale for only $20 (!?!?!) and the artwork on the box looked…
No, it’s just a matter of eating more than you’re used to at once with a lot of fat in the cheese and meat toppings, it’s called gastrocolic reflex. If you made pizza at home out of all the nicest cheeses and deli pepperoni and ate as much, volume wise, you’d have the same thing happen. Fast food isn’t magic, it is…
Reminds me of the rare (yellow) item names in Diablo 3, so many of them are way cooler sounding than the carefully named legendaries that are just random combinations of 2 words from a long list
Yeah, I too much prefer it when people put a lot of work and time into a thing and then have no means to be recompensed for it while I consume it. I also like eating and just need to find myself a nice amateur grocery store that gives me food for free too, damn corporate shills!
Limetown put out season 2 as well finally. A lot of people seem to be disappointed by the change of how it was presented but I liked it quite a bit as a wrap up to the story.
it’s a god damn shame you’re not capable of looking them up on your podcast app of choice manually
‘the real purpose here’
I’m going to blame her Swedish origins since I don’t know that they ever sold the El Camino over there
And yet when they use the exact same idea for making chicken nuggets a whole bunch of people lose their shit as though they’re being asked to eat poison...