
I've seen both the Mara and Rapace versions of GWTDT, and liked them both. Has anyone watched the two Rapace sequels? Should I give them a go?

OP didn't say he/she only just heard it today.

I don't know how I managed to forget it, but I watched this movie again a few months ago after not having seen it in a LONG time, and when they went to the club I FREAKED THE FUCK OUT because I had forgotten all about the Llorando scene.

Any choice from, "met a woman, made a friend, have to go back," "met a man, made a friend, have to go back," or, "met a woman, we were lovers, have to go back," would have been preferable, honestly.

Samantha Mathis' career (not Samantha Mathis, important distinction) has turned out to be such a disappointment to me.

Who even goes to the doctor for a fucking pulled muscle?

I watched the Killing as it aired and it was torturous. Those first two seasons were an exercise in patience, to say the least. But season three made everything worth it. Everything. Even Mitch.

His name was Rider and they gave him like a 1/2 episode molestation story-arc.

The pilot of Glee was amazing and the rest of the series, even in rare moments when it was good, could never live up to its potential.

The Battle in Seattle

Jaime Murray or GTFO.

For some reason, the fact that Hunter LOVED New England Clam Chowder has stuck with me to this day.

Speaking of Papa Roach, a friend of mine bought their Infest cd (probably at a Sam Goody) right before we embarked on a road trip to Virginia. We listened to it in it's entirety on the ride, and I loved it. For some reason though, I never bought the cd, never burned it from my friend and thus never listened to it

Speaking of Papa Don't Preach, I was roughly 6 years old when it came out and I didn't realize the song was about pregnancy until a friend pointed it out to me when I was 10ish. I always thought the "baby" in question was the boyfriend and by, "I'm keeping my baby" she meant, "whatever, dad, I'm not breaking up with

Why was Bridge Over Troubled Water banned? Because it would make people cry because we were all pulling for each other at that time?

For all we know, "Yellow Ledbetter" contains the recipe for Eddie Vedder's Aunt Pearl's Jam when played forward.

I think he's been pretty open about it. I don't watch SNL and I had no idea who he even was until the Beiber roast, but it was mentioned then about his dad. I'm not saying this because I think he's milking the situation, only that I do think it was known before today.

Thank you for listening and reporting back about your feelings. This is exactly how I had imagined I'd feel if I took a listen myself. Thanks for saving me the trouble.

I'd actually like to get you started on that. Care to elaborate?

I mean, yeah, most teenagers think everything is shit and get moody all the time, but aside from that, there isn't much else actually going on in this movie. The Faculty was a better representation of the teenage experience and that was about an alien invasion.