
I don't even think it was a G4 show, probably Spike, but I really wish they were still pumping out episodes of MXC.

The Storytellers disc of Across a Wire is my favorite Counting Crows album. I read a review once where someone described it as the band taking every opportunity to ruin their songs. I thought it was a somber, thoughtful take on all of them.

For some reason, the first two songs that came to mind were "Winds of Change" by The Scorpions and "Toy Soldiers" by Martika. If not specifically Christmas, I definitely think of winter.

"The Boxer" always feels so cold too. It talks of NYC winters. I always imagine someone walking around the city, hunched into their coat, hands in their pockets.

Chloe Moretz is 17. Makes pretty much ANY casting of Stu super awkward.

For some reason, this whole article made me really nostalgic and now I wish I could go to Bennigan's.

I remembered Alex as looking like Cobie Smulders. After googling Alex, although not exactly wrong, turns out I wasn't exactly right, either.

Mama was a return to what made the first season great, I agree. I don't know, I've just kind of grown tired of the repetitiveness of "weird thing happens, involves an artifact that Crane once interacted with because it belonged to this famous revolutionary that he was besties with, so they all go running through the

Sleepy Hollow has grown tedious.

Are you saying McCarthy is a worse choice than Ringwald? I'd have to disagree wholeheartedly. I think overall McCarthy wouldn't fit the bill, but I'd adapt better than I did with Ringwald.

I don't know the, SPOILERS "You may be gay, girl! You may be gay, girl!" song at the end kind of made the whole thing worthwhile.

I don't care how many movies they make of it as long as they cast Frannie better this time. I mean, you literally couldn't do worse than Molly Ringwald. But Frannie is probably my #1 book crush, and Molly Ringwald was kind of the opposite of that.

I definitely liked the first V/H/S better. Even the Skype segment, I thought, was pretty awesome. I thought pretty much every segment in the second installment was lacking in a major way.

Oh God. That makes it even worse. At any rate, I stand corrected.

I think a 10-13 episode season would serve this show well. A full season seems too much for the writers to reign in. With Asylum alone, they had enough plot elements for 2-3 additional seasons. An asylum (and false imprisonment) is scary enough on it's own. There could have been a season focused on aliens, one on

While I think Asylum was the scariest of the bunch, I think Murder House was definitely the better of the two as far as story, flow and cohesion were concerned. Season 2 was just all over the map. Aliens! Creatures! Nazis! Anne Frank! Demons! Santa! Bloody Face!

My one lasting memory of Cracker Barrel is the time I saw an elderly couple eating there around mid-day. The woman was eating a large salad and the man was eating cherry cobbler. I don't know, something about that moment spoke to me on so many levels. I feel like I could analyse it for decades.

For a brief, shining moment, for unknown reasons, when I read "Lolita Davidovich" my brain pictured Linda Fiorentino, and I was happy. I quickly came to my senses and pictured Lolita Davidovich and made the same face I imagine you all will when I say "green olive ice cream with pimentos."

TV science, man. You can't apply normal Earth physics to television situations.

I don't see the harm in selling drugs to the elderly. They can make their own decisions. Upon what else would you have them spend their pension?