
The aversion/conversion therapy scenes in Asylum were pretty horrific for me as well. And Lana having to hang out for a while with her dead, frozen lover.

I think that's mostly due to shot framing.

Men will jump on the
First available pussy
Even bearded Bates

I'm not sure why you thought you would catch heat for that statement.

Hate to nitpick (I will anyway) but the grant was for teams to work in salt mines, not coal mines.

Calm the fuck down, clowns.

I'm still waiting for the day Amblin produces a show called "Daddy Issues"

"Look, it's old so the sexism is justified!"

I've thought this also. It's one thing to have brain damage from physical trauma and near drowning, but it's another to hallucinate people who are not there. Also, if Simmons were to go covert to infiltrate Hydra, she would have a very hard time leaving Fitz in his current condition. She has the means to develop

If ABC adapts it, they can get Shonda Rhimes on board as executive producer.

I agree with your comment on both a spiritual and an emotional level. My heart rejoices and aches all at once.

I can't imagine watching Dear Zachary in public. I'm glad I watched that one alone.

I do the same. Or I'll shop for houses in places I'll never live. I really need a new job.

Tarantino/Rodriguez have more of a Spielberg/Lucas relation than Rodriguez being Tarantino 2.0