
She used to wear a whole lot more and it’s noticeable that she’s going against the tide on what women should look like. Everything I’ve heard her say about it has been extremely diplomatic towards women who want to look made up. This feels like 7th grade.

For some weird reason every time I hear name Tony Robbins, this comes to mind

while mentioning in passing that multiple *scientific* sources stated that the pipeline will have no negligible effects

“Just fuck me up, fam.”

The Art of the Deely

It’s a point that needs to be made until the next election, and then the election after that, and the one after that, as well. Don’t FUCKING forget.

Libertarianism is just astrology for men.

Nah, as a white female who voted for Clinton, I think we can keep flogging that horse until white females get our collective shit together and don’t vote in a majority for an absolute monster. We made this bed, and we don’t get to pretend it didn’t happen just because A FEE MONTHS have passed.

Well, well, well. Tomi.and Milo, but destroyed by the viral conservative sound bite machine that spawned them. Glen Beck still standing somehow.

Riechshtagg fire 2 electric boogaloo here we come!

“Cool” fact! A Methodist church in Nashville put out banners last year that said “God Loves Everyone Unconditionally” and NOT ONLY were the banners ripped down, someone carved (yes, carved) a swastika into their wooden doors. So if a church is really aching for some’a that sweet sweet persecution, all they have to do

Evangelical christians think they are the most persecuted group in America right now. My personal theory is that their definition of “persecuted” is “not getting everything I want exactly when I want it and having to deal with the consequences of being an asshole.”

I think that people misconstrue acceptance of other beliefs as a loss of privilege. That’s only true if being an asshole and being prejudiced against others was actually a right.

The inability of privileged majorities to distinguish between their own hurt feelings and actual oppression will be the death of this country.

So...........using discriminatory practices to protect one’s self against discrimination by those you choose to discriminate against?

Christians are persecuted? I don’t see swastikas being spray painted on churches or crosses being burned in their yards en masse. Meanwhile, a Jewish Center near Virginia Tech where my friend teaches was littered with Nazi-themed leaflets and Jewish cemeteries are being decimated. And that’s to say nothing of the

“we Christians, we’re the ones that have been persecuted and to the point we’ll be prosecuted if we didn’t keep our mouth shut.”

Well, at what point do we stop demonizing murder and instead try to teach murderers not to murder?

No, people not wanting to listen to Milo et al’s inane fucking racist babble is not ‘ruining free speech’ free speech means the government can’t censor you, it doesn’t mean I can’t tell you to shut the fuck up, or make fun of you for your stupid goddamn beliefs. I swear to christ, for hating ‘SJWs’ and ‘Political

I’ll never understand people like you’s logic. Like “yes he said racist things but he shouldn’t be made to feel bad for wanting to persecute you! Instead hold his hand, politely explain why yelling the n word at black people is bad, and then hope that he learns to use the term thug instead!