No version of the song “Belle” will ever be better than it’s parody “Bonjour, Girl.”
No version of the song “Belle” will ever be better than it’s parody “Bonjour, Girl.”
Okay but there is also a talking candle and a somewhat sexual talking duster and I think they are lowkey fucking so I don’t think they are going for realistic
It’s not just this, which is heartbreaking. And not at all surprising. But I would bet the farm that Milo also sexually abuses boys, or has in the past. His mansplaining smacks loudly of “it can’t be illegal; I did it and I’m a good guy!” You’ll find this even among judges, politicians, etc. The biggest proponents of…
Racists, bigots and misogynists are always afraid of being treated the same way they treat others. That’s why they do everything in their power to hold onto that power and often use every avenue to justify their power over the “other”.
YES!!!!!!!! excellent...i am a man and yes, we are very afraid of being treated like we have treated women.
Typical of redditor repukes and manosphere fucknooses.
Alas, there are sooooo maaaaany people on Twitter defending Milo. The mental gymnastics these people must subject themselves to in order to defend him is astounding. It’s *almost* as though conservatives have no moral compass.
Umm, I very much care if two 13 year olds are having sex with each other, and I imagine if you were a parent to a 13 year old, you would too. If 13 is too young to consent with an adult partner, how is it not too young to consult with another child? Another child uneducated on safe sex, pregnancy, sexually transmitted…
It’s not. But that’s the hypocrisy. Women are sexual objects pretty much up for grabs as soon as men say so. But boys? Not the same.
This is not an odd attitude for someone from the “manosphere”. Most of them believe grown-ass men should be able to have sex with any person who has hit puberty (or, at least, they used to—I don’t read their stuff anymore). For me, that was 10. Ponder that for a minute—I’ve argued with men who think I should have…
Not sorry at all when you know he’s only doing this to try and salvage his career.
Apropos of nothing and everything (cos come on...) my new fav acronym for Donnie is SCROTUS- So Called Ruler of the US.
You should feel an overwhelming urge to sing “Circle of Life”.
“Murder, He tweeted”
Their beef is legitimate insofar as the media are now Trump’s enemy, and CNN is making a go ($) of this whole “news” thing for once. Clinton is gone. Obama is gone. He needs a simple scapegoat with which to continue his persecution trope to the low-info talk-radio crowd, and he doesn’t want to draw attention to any…
Navarro smoked his little ass with a single Tweet.
I get the sense that every member of the Trump family spends 75% of their waking hours whining about how mean everyone is to them.
This is exactly how you engender even more negative coverage.
Especially since Van Jones and Ana Navarro are pundits, not reporters. Navarro is clearly in the Republican establishment and Van Jones is on the left. They’re supposed to hate Trump. That’s their fucking job.
I feel like it’s telling that he’s highlighting Van Jones and Ana Navarro considering some of the most wtf? moments for this administration have been Kellyanne’s interviews with Anderson Cooper and Jake Tapper. And it’s not like Cooper or Tapper have treated Trump with kid gloves.