“Man Down”, in which Rihanna shoots a [rapist?] down in central station in front of a crowd, rum bum bum bum, rum bum bum bum, man down.
“Man Down”, in which Rihanna shoots a [rapist?] down in central station in front of a crowd, rum bum bum bum, rum bum bum bum, man down.
In bluegrass music we have many many dead girl songs — songs about men who violently end the lives of women for any number of vague and indefensible reasons. But Gillian Welch’s ‘Caleb Meyer’ is perhaps the best dead boy song I know. Caleb’s an attempted rapist and he meets his demise most beautifully and vividly. If…
If anything, she’ll probably get a Presidential Medal of Freedom* for her fight against the lamestream, librul media.
I worry that if 45's administration keeps getting away with this that the general populace as a whole will start saying “why do I have to follow the rules if they don’t?” That’s a recipe for violence.
Conway is getting iced out. Stephen Miller seems to be where it’s at now.
Nazi Barbie needs to go down in flames like the Hindenburg.
Oh great, we get to rely on Chaffetz - the Shkreli of Congress - to lead the charge to conduct an investigation and potential punishment.
What frightens me is how a lot of really virulent racism is not necessarily learned from parents, but learned online or in person from groups that target young, disaffected white men (and women, but primarily men, since sexism tends to go hand-in-hand with racism). If racism was just something learned from one’s…
Maybe it’s too apples to oranges to even compare, but this sort of intensifies my paralyzed feeling about what I’m really supposed to do to tactically to spread anti-racism, if not what this guy is doing**. I have been advised repeatedly to “fix my own community” (white people) - even though I don’t live or exist in…
Rich hardly editorialized at all. There were other black people in the documentary that found his actions problematic.
I’m pretty liberal, and I sure as hell didn’t want him dead. I want him to live long enough to see everything he worked for come crumbling down around him. I wanted him to make a new friend, and only find out 3 months later that he’s in an interracial marriage. To actually have to look his own racism in the eye while…
I don’t know about liberals, but anyone who doesn’t appreciate the KKK will probably feel that way. I sure as fuck do.
Frightful end to such a troubled life.
Unspeakable in many regards.
Continuing to talk about this should be done with respect.
KKK references are rarely met with objective commentary.
Enough violent dialog, I belive there has been too
So witches float and wizards sink?
Fuck off.
And when you think you’re done fucking off, fuck off even further. Fuckhead.
Chill out, Darren Wilson. You probably shouldn’t be positing on this site.
I feel this.