
Aha! A chance to post my own pregnancy announcement photo.

She’s announcing their names. I can’t imagine it is a coincidence she has on Blue panties. So the twins will be Lime Green and Cranberry.

It’s kinda like Sargeant Peppers Pregnant Hearts Club Band

How is it possible for MOTHERFUCKING BEYONCE to take such a shitty JC Penney maternity photo?

Yes. And I feel woefully unprepared. I’m broke, out of shape, and don’t have any weapons. My kitchen knives are even dull. I read an article where the writer explained that he got LASIK surgery on his eyes. Because wearing glasses or contacts will make things difficult in the wars to come. It nearly gave me a panic

This is what fascists do. This is fascism in action.

Bungled? That was definitely intentional. We’re all doomed

Duckman, the cartoon that ran on USA in the mid-90s, had an episode with the premise that the cure for cancer had been discovered long ago, but the medical establishment and pharmaceutical companies were suppressing it because cancer makes them so much money.

“We took some unprecedented actions today due to the unprecedented obstruction on the part of our colleagues,” Sen. Hatch said in a statement. What does unprecedented mean again?

This is why I was thinking the better example of the path to fascism is pre-war Japan rather than Germany.

Serious question:

After the way the Trump Administration bungled the Holocaust Remembrance Day remarks, I fully expect his Black History Month remarks to focus on how everybody suffered during slavery, and we should also remember the slaveholders, who lost a lot of wealth when their property was emancipated.

Just a few notes. During this month, we honor the tremendous history of African-Americans throughout our country. Throughout the world, if you really think about it, right?

Wish this didn’t sound crazy. If it comes out that the WH has signed off in ANY way with the cbp ignoring a court order and the rest of the GOP is unwilling to put any brake on that then I’m not sure where else we are headed.

I remember when I first got my immigrant visa - it was a nice morning in November and I celebrated with a venti mocha frappucino at the Starbucks near the US embassy.

Are CBP as bad as that?

As a straight, white, Catholic male, I check every single box of deplorability. Thank God this change happened. I’m more than elated Trump got elected, by white, brown, and black men and women.

The analogy sounds good to me; that sort of thing is the American way. It’s how we react to the concept of unions, too. We enjoy all the worker protections they granted us, which leads to complacency, which leads to idiots saying “well everything is great so why do I need a union,” which leads to nationwide

No, you’re looking at the face of frustrated, ignorant rage from a person who doesn’t understand the real problem is the people they’re voting for, not the brown people. Or, in other words, the campaign slogan these people really wanted to hear: IT’S PAYBACK TIME, BITCH.