
Dude makes Karl Rove look like fucking Santa Claus.

Great news, although the caveats, but...

I feel like there’s been a coup rather than an election.

None of the executive orders he’s cranked out in the past week have been reviewed for legality or sanity.

They appreciate it. As someone who pays her bills through an ACLU salary, I thank you all deeply. The ACLU is very good people and they are going to be tireless the next 4 years.

Some are using Twitter to call on Peter Thiel to address his support of Trump in light of this order. Yes, Peter Thiel, look your colleagues in the face and tell them they don’t belong. I want it on goddamn video.

Paul Ryan is too much of a yellow bellied chicken shit little bitch boy to even consider impeachment

I never thought I’d see the day that America was banning and detaining ethnic groups again. I’m ashamed of my country and I hope every person who voted for this fucking monster is doubly ashamed. Your cries of making “America Great Again” is destroying the very thing you mean to uphold.

We’re, in effect, closing our borders, building up our military, and signalling our distaste for our allies and business partners around the world. How can this escalation be seen around the globe as anything other than a prelude to war? How will history judge us? It’s well past time this country took a long hard

Here’s the kind of trash Trump has brought with him to the White House:

They’re too busy banning abortion, so there’s always a fresh supply of soldiers to send off to fight battles when we fuck around in other countries...

Fuck Trump, fuck everyone who voted for Trump, fuck the people who didn’t vote Clinton because they were nursing grievances over Sanders, fuck the people who voted Stein or Johnson because they were trying to make a point/protest over Bernie’s treatment by the DNC (it sucked, but surprise, we ALL had something much

This is such an unimaginable reality. How has it only been just over a week since Obama was our President? It feels like the country has been razed.

Someone mentioned that Paul Ryan had been fairly silent - of course, he was just waiting for Poppa Putin and Momma Bannon to give him his opinion and boy howdy, what a glorious opinion it is. I started gagging when I hit “our homeland” and the words blurred together.

No, sweetheart, we’re the sane ones. AND we will fight back, and we will win.

Where does atheism fall on the “minority religion” spectrum? It’s not a religion obviously, it’s the absence thereof, but it definitely encompasses a minority group if we’re sorting people by belief systems.

I don’t see Ryan, McConnell and Pence doing anything anytime soon. They’re standing around with stupid grins on their faces while all these orders are being signed.

I feel like I’m losing my mind.

There is a claim that green card holders are being cuffed and their social media reviewed. They are being questioned about their attitudes toward Trump.