
I am neither a psychiatrist nor a psychologist nor a social worker and I have no training in telling signs of emotional abuse, especially not from the brief video clips of Ms. Trump that exist. I do assume, based on Trump’s own marital history and statements, that there is an iron-clad, bulletproof pre-nup filled with

The full quote is even better.

Day 4: resist

I’m exhausted from waking up everyday, reading a headline, and saying “Is this real life?”

I’m waiting for our version of the Reichstag fire with bated breath.

You know, my SO told me about this, and I thought he was joking. (In my defense my SO didn’t know what specific day was being named a National Patriot Day, he helpfully suggested that it should be “the first Monday after the Super Bowl”). This is real life?? Making his own inauguration day a fucking holiday?? Even Kim

And they call US special snowflakes!

This is what happens when you have literally never had to work to overcome a single fucking thing in your entire privileged life.

That we are being told by people who spent the last 8 years questioning Obama’s ‘legitimacy’ and accusing Hilary of running pizza pedophile rings to ‘respect the office’ and ‘get over it, we won’ is perhaps the most bizarre aspect of this whole thing.

It’s a good thing Obama didn’t have to with negative and demoralizing comments all the time.

It’s not about one tweet, it’s not about one picture, it’s about a constant theme. It’s about sitting here every time, and being told, “No. Well we don’t think he can do that, he’ll never accomplish that, he can’t win that, it won’t be the biggest, it’s not gonna be that good, the crowds aren’t that big, he’s not

oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.

Congratulations, America! You’ve given the keys to nuclear holocaust to a man who can be triggered by a fucking goddamn tweet...

I see his rubber human costume has stretched and sagged over time.

His shooting form has been described as, “Chunky.” Hey, you are what you eat!

You’re welcome:

We’re done here.

Sorry. We’ve fought nazis in WWII. I have no remorse for a nazi getting punched in the face. They want to kill us. They want white male supremacy. I don’t have time for that kind of bullshit rhetoric and neither should you. Sometimes you have to fight. That kind of evil needs to be stomped out by any means