Pictured: a VW handling well in the streets.
Pictured: a VW handling well in the streets.
This is typical of a culture that glorifies our athletes and sweeps their transgressions under the rug. So great, he buys some toys for some kids.
You are mistaken.
A Schiano man would've collapsed in Seattle.
You know what would be great? If Jezebel.com would interview her about her work. It's not as big a platform as the Today Show, but since we're all sitting here griping about how she got conned out of her chance to tell a broad audience about her nonprofit...
Let's all ask the Today show to invite Simone Jhingoor back to talk about the Women's Housing and Economic Development Corporation. In no uncertain terms! It's easy, there's a contact form at: http://www.today.com/id/29041920/ns…
O for a coach to be fired, so we