
Glad I’m not the only one who made this comparison!

WOC came up with the term “white feminism” and she’s doing the rest of us no favors by saying she doesn’t believe in it. Her not taking an intersectional POV when discussing Trump is literally just her putting her money where her mouth is.

Anti-capitalist sells book for big money, a story as old as time 😂

Isn’t that the truth!! Totally anecdotal but people who are #blessed have the most public Facebook drama.

This is what I find so concerning. The right and Fox News will have a way to spin this. And they will spin this with hatred and it will mobilize their base even more. I don’t even know how they do it anymore, but they do.

I agree, not sure how much longer we can keep calling this quiet. Props to Jez for covering this when I haven’t seen much news coverage of it, but the attacks on Jewish spaces have been getting bolder the last 2 months. I’m still in shock that my local outlets haven’t seemed to cover this at all???

Is their any other sport that has such a bad reputation? I know it’s anecdotal and I know #notallcoaches blah blah blah but everything I read and the 2 people I’ve known involved in gymnastics at a young age... yowza. Bad news.

This is a great article but in addition to gender and race we really need to start including ability.

If my husband smacks me for not cleaning the living room, that’s abuse. If I smack my kid for not cleaning their room, that’s abuse. Don’t need to be a parent to figure that out.


Ugh. John McCain seriously needs to shut his trick mouth up. He is ALL TALK, and will never be a man of action in regards to Trump.

Pediatricians now speaks out against hitting your child as discipline. Their is no fucking reason people should be hitting their kids. I know i’ll get shit for that but I don’t care. A child should never be afraid their parent will abuse them, certainly not to teach them a lesson. Like you said their is no benefit to

Wow I’m surprised it took someone this long to say this. In my anecdotal experience it seems as tho their are a hell of a lot more allegations of manipulation than actual manipulation. And the allegations tend to stem from a parent more absentee and not doing much actual parenting.

That’s a great point! I can’t think of a single person “on his side”. He just came off soooo disgusting. That says a lot.

Yup! He’s every Good Guy nightmare story we’ve ever experienced/heard. And I guarantee during his “I’m so sorry baby” public tour he was taking advantage of every beautiful naive fans sympathy...

His whole over-publicized redemption tour screamed of emotional abuse and gaslighting to me. The pic of him grabbing a woman’s ass sealed the deal for me.

This pic is everything I need to know about him and always has been.

I think it’s more common among heavy drug users as well.

Like when do you have time to work if you have 70+ different sexual partners in one month? I would have to assume that several instances had multiple partners at once because otherwise how could he even find time to grocery shop?

Oh man I didn’t even think about that. Plus a few failed marriages with spousal support and she must have been bleeding money.