
Growing up in Michigan these were very commonplace by the water. People learn very quickly not to leave the convertible top down during mayfly season.

In my state it seems like people in charge of charter schools have very little concern for education and the cheapest teachers are put in to save money. It's a business. I am not a fan of charter schools but anyone paying attention to the presidential race knows about Ohio charter school scandals now.

I don't know, that's just not how I parent or look at the world. I think all kids- even teenagers- benefit and flourish with support and love. I would hope my future children's teachers feel the same.

Plus, I know adults who wouldn’t be able to spell it. I think it’s really steep to make fun of a kid for this misspelling in particular.

Exactly. Calling kids fucking idiots when you're literally the one who is supposed to be educating them... Says so much more about the teachers, really. This is more than blowing off steam, these are nasty remarks.

That's what I thought as well?

Haha thanks for chiming in. Dude replied to me 3 times to tell me I’m wrong on this. It is most assuredly “puft” not “puff”. You would think someone trying to flex his GB cred would be a little more knowledgable!

I'm screaming, you've sent me like 3 messages about this- it is stay puft, not puff.

Are you trying to troll me? It’s literally “stay puft” soooo.....

I will be there opening weekend with my stay puft earrings on!! Screw the haters!!!

**edited because I don't want to log on to comments from angry fan boys for the next 2 months like every other time a movie thread is posted on here**

He gets to keep a 1959 Cadillac which could very well be worth almost 6 figures depending on certain factors. So yeah, as a lover of both comics AND caddies this is probably a fair deal. Homeboy seems like the type to spring for some first editions.

Oh my god yes!!!!

Yes, one of the original OC ladies! It’s sad because if memory serves the kid always had troubles but the mom was all “there’s nothing more I can do!” While she ran around bagging a new rich husband.

And Kelly is such good friends with Andy Cohen and she’s been on his show so many times- was it ever discussed???? I feel like I need a housewives guru to do some explaining...

Did we know this about Danielle and Kelly???? Because I feel like this is late breaking news!!!!

In all fairness we don't know her life or the abilities of her child. Sometimes kids go through difficult periods and parents get run ragged. Happens!

Oh god, can we talk about this? I have a former co-worker that is the most self-loathing gay I’ve ever met. Still doesn’t believe in marriage equality because he was brought up so ultra conservative. He always brags about having so many straight male friends. Um, if he actually believed in equality they would NOT be

You know we could never afford it!

He doesn't want to marry you and is warming you to the idea of a breakup.... You deserve someone who wants the same future as you.