
I’m just going to leave this here....

“...even if they did give us Celine Dion and Nickelback.”


And if you start complaining about your teammates or try to make the community toxic Captain Bright comes out of the computer and slaps you.

Strange, I see a lot of Toyota Avalon.

For the 0.0001%, maybe. The rest of us can get fucked.

And, as a goalie, the Kings will just send someone else to serve the sentence.

Universal Century is the best ‘century.’

Comparing this game to game that came out in 2005 and prior is kind of unfair. If they made Battlefront with the animations, level design and textures of Battlefront 2 you’d be up in arms that they focused on quantity and not quality. If they had released battlefront with the same classes and maps and updated

260 pounds wouldn’t even cover my mother in law...

I can’t express how much I love that “The Patriots” we’re the second highest paid team for their tributes.

Tyler laying the ground work early. Next step, convince her to go to school near Dallas in two years. That’s what sets Tyler apart, long term planning.

Any with this. It enrages me with it’s self-satisfied smugness.

That’s why I drive a Ford C-Max. The car of choice for people who wanted a Focus ST but had to settle for Prius fuel economy. These are the laid-back people who drive 10 under the limit in the right lane on the freeway and then drive like a bat outta hell on curvy roads.

She did. They arrested her for arson because she lit it up with those hot moves.

Nope, it’s a Toyota :P