
So this guy raped a minor and is being supported by the group that thinks the democratic party is run by secret pedophiles that must be stopped?

It’s funny how this ad and the other ad I saw with a fucking bear in it for some reason are basically saying “we can fix california” when california is starting to get back on track already. So if one of these idiots actually win they’ll say “look how much better california is now that we’re in power” when they in

I’ve always thought she looks like she could be Scarlett’s baby sister. Or daughter. 

America isn’t racist says the black guy being trotted out as a prop by a bunch of racist white guys.

I’m going through the same thing. This week was my first time back in the gym after almost a full year off. Muscle memory helps a lot. You’re not going to be as rusty as you think you are. And you’ll fall back into your routine quicker than you think.

If churches are gonna start taking political stands then they should have their tax exempt status removed. 

I love the boots and leather jacket, but what really pulls the whole outfit together is the flannel tied around his waist as an accessory. Why did we all stop doing that?

“This it the coolest Ryu has looked in years”

Anytime some guy says X actress isn’t attractive enough to play X character and then people yell at them for being sexist, remember that women also want that sweet eye candy. I don’t know exactly what my point is but I’m sure I had one when I started typing...

Still not over them getting rid of the chocolate peanut butter cupcakes 

Why can’t I just make it sound like a robot? I want a robot voice not a male or female voice.

This is not my intention at all and I’m sorry that it’s coming off that way.

Yup! I noticed the changes hearing him on podcasts. 

I would normally agree with this position but she’s been proven right twice.

Thank you! You’re the only person who’s been able to make this make sense to me. 

That’s how I feel too. 

Is it just plausible deniability then? She’s still accusing them but not saying what she’s accusing them of. Like someone asked her about Martin Starr and her response was “Starr who?” What does that even mean? She’s clearly saying something about Starr.

I get that but then why toss out vague accusation? You’re still accusing them, if the person being accused has power they’re still going to take it out on you. You’re basically still protecting them while putting a target on yourself. 

She’s also accused Kumail of being awful and kinda implied something about Starr. I wish people wouldn’t speak in code so much.

I like Peely because of how weird it is. I was disappointed by the hotdog guy not being the same concept. Why does the hotdog guy have pants?