
The real question is, why use that picture at all? I’m sure people can find other pictures of Ghislaine with Epstein. Hell I’m sure they could have found pictures of them with Democrats so why use this particular picture at all?

I want Jr to catch it and really suffer just so he can see how little his dad cares about him.

I like Lucky but the price doesn’t match the quality.

That’s a great story. Sincerely. 

It got cancelled. 

I see where you’re going but I disagree. “Hey, you’re wearing a Tommy Bahama shirt, officer! By the way nice chub.” is WAY better than “Hey, you’re wearing a Tommy Bahama shirt, officer!” Call me old fashioned but I think complimenting an officer on his little chubby is just the polite thing to do.

Where’s the compliment? I guess you’re going with their “enthusiastic neutral” rule. That’s fine... I guess...

The Vanilla Ice link takes you to the Mt Rushmore story.

Remember, this is the man that called WWE headquarters because he thought Vince McMahon actually blew up.


“We’re armed and ready to feed you.”

I don’t trust this guy... I think he’s luring you into a false sense of security and one of these days he’s going to turn. “Hey fun top, gross bottom” You’ll be devastated. You’ll never be able to trust a married guy again.

My rule is, and I only noticed this now that I thought about it, when complimenting a female coworker, nothing above the ankles or below the neck. “Nice shoes” is fine. “Cool hat” works. “Nice shirt?” nah cuz you’re just looking at her boobs.

Wu-erds? What am this wu-erds?

While we’re on the topic of emojis, why isn’t there a shy or coy emoji? I’ve been needing an “aw shucks” emoji. Who do I talk to about this? Congress? I’d like to speak to your manager.

Without reading the article, yes, the answer is yes.

Geez, the animation is soooooo bad. Nothing about this game looks good. 

Blame Spider-Man. They wanted to have “realistic” character designs. The normal people looked bad in Spider-Man too.

All black pikachu with red instead of black would be a nice fire version of pikachu. 

Yeah I don’t believe anything in his apology I was just saying what I thought his apology was trying to say.