He doesn’t care. He’s gonna try to cancel the election.
He doesn’t care. He’s gonna try to cancel the election.
Isn’t he apart of the committee that proved Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help trump?
There’s people on the other side that don’t think he’s choking.
I think most people are being cautious of her story because it keeps changing. The reports I’ve read have mentioned how she’ll ignore follow up questions or how even the stories of her friends will change to correspond with her changing story.
She’s just sad.
I didn’t know that. She’ll probably be let go pretty soon.
How long until she disappears from the public for awhile? She’s starting to look older than Melania.
And she was over-prepared that one time.
Putting trump on tv everyday.
I still think we should give him a chance.
Trump wants the virus to be around and in full force until November. He wants to use it to postpone or even straight up cancel the election. His response hasn’t been a failure, he’s succeeding at his plan.
How about instead of asking “will you pledge to tell the truth” you ask something like “how can you ensure that the American people get truthful, accurate information from you?”
It’s not a conundrum. It sucks and we’re stuck with Biden. I wish he would drop out and we’d have a special election between Bernie and Warren. I said it before he ran, Biden is a creep. Whether the allegations are true or not and even if they get proven false the media that trump loves to say is out to get him is…
I’ve seen this theory floated around and I sort of believe it, Trump and company are acting like the virus won’t hurt them. They seem to act in ways that show off how unaffected they are from the virus. Then last week there was that hot-mic moment when someone at one of the White House pressers dismissed wearing a…
I saw an opinion piece the other day that was saying the reason Georgia wants to open up is so that they won’t have to pay unemployment benefits because Georgia doesn’t have the money for it. Basically it’s either force people back to work and if they die they die or keep the stay at home order and raise taxes. A red…
For a network that claims to hate celebrities Fox News sure does put on a lot of celebrities.
None of those women are wearing pants. The second one is just wearing a longer skirt.
People are acting like Trump is even trying to get through this pandemic. He wants this shit to last until at least November. He wants to use it to cancel the election. It’s a power grab. Eventually they’re gonna have to remove him from office to save the country.
The weirdest part was that some of the wrestlers are so used to playing to the crowd that they still play to the crowd when there’s no crowd.
Yeah, I’m saying it should have been. I think they made the right choice.