
Well, guess it’s time to finally get Xcom 2 and Undertale.

I am so, so SICK of all this damned porn. I don’t even visit the scum-ridden likes of DeviantArt, 4chan or Tumblr, and it seems like it’s everywhere; Practically every single thread on Reddit has at least one mouth-breather who has to reference Rule 34.

Oh. My. GOSH, this needs to be a thing!


On the topic of awesome side-scrollers: it was your article that finally got me to try Odin Sphere, Mike.


That’s literally one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read on this site.

Was that Yuri Lowenthal? I’m... very okay with this. Makes sense if he’s an older, more experienced Spidey.

Some kind of wolf. Because wolves.

I agree with literally everything said in this particular thread so far.

Fair point; all I know is that the wolf is around early on in the trailer, and later on someone is wearing a wolf-skin cloak. Just wanted to make sure.

Eh, screw horses.

Does the wolf or griffin die?

I just need to know: do the wolf and/or griffin from the trailer die?

I’m still waiting for a wolf Pokémon. Arcanine, Mightyena, and Houndoom don’t do it for me.

All I know is that I was promised a new Star Fox game, and all I got was a limp-wristed fan parody with sloppy motion controls slapped on.


Glad to see the censor fish again. It’s been awhile.

Play with me and I’ll always upvote you, Patrick!

Both Hanzo and Genji have Japanese actors voicing them.