Strider Ryoken

This sets the bar for ‘brilliance’ as so arbitrarily low, that just about any show could be interpreted as such. The fact remains that narrative foreshadowing is a key art of storytelling, and essentially, the show’s writers have been floundering and making very short term decisions since season 4. You probably loved

Prophecies are purposely vague and nowhere does it say who will do the killing. Arya is a blunt object. I love her, but that’s what she is. We’ve seen nothing to suggest Dany or Jon is a better fighter. Dany and Jon especially Jon are still the reason that Arya was there. So is The Prince that was Promised necessarily

When they have the “not today” dialogue, it was clear to me that Arya was going to kill the Night King. I mean like, it killed the twist to me.

The one issue I have is how heavily the prophecies are pushed in the books (consistent, multiple sources, etc). I don’t think the show spends that much time on them to begin with, though?

Man, if only that wasn’t a self-regulated board with no oversight whatsoever that was routinely ignored by consumers...

“For those in the first three rows, there are plastic ponchos beneath your seats.”

I’m not sure I agree with your theory but I do agree that the Night King is freaking smart and strategic. I think they are capable of much, much more than most people seem to think thus far. Why in the world would they not be able to build boats?

Um, he breached the wall when he had a dragon to breach it with. 

I understand that logic, but the precedent doesn’t matter unless more candidates follow Trump’s lead.  Every other presidential candidate in recent memory has released their returns.  Trump is literally unique in this regard, so the precedent only threatens him.

Holder was held in contempt of congress. How’s he doing? LOL

“old guard”. I think you mean “smart people”. How’s it going to feel when you have to live your life under an ultra conservative SCOTUS, because you guys changed the rules to get ultra-left lower court judges through?

As Mitch McConnell has shown repeatedly, the Republicans don’t give a fuck about precedence. However, as the article pointed out, House Republicans subpoenaed the IRS in 2014, and publicly released tax returns. So, the Republicans have already done what they’re now preventing the Democrats from doing.

Cocaine Mitch is nothing if not consistently evil. Lindsey should just go to the lectern on the Senate floor and admit that Trump has his testicles in a jar.

Right, I’m only commenting how Trump is pretty much free to pretend he’s cool with releasing the report because either Barr will sit on it or he’ll be forced somehow to release it.  Either way, not up to Trump.  So he might as well act like he’s FOR releasing it, even if he’s not.

Trump said two things: (1) That he was good with the report being released and (2) That it was up to Barr.

Everybody wants change.

You pick up an audio clip that implies that the president had relations with Russia though. It’s there but it’s not so often that it hits you over the head. 

So you’re saying we found a way for Mexico to pay for the wall? Nice!

Aside from Trump saying it, Is there any evidence Eastern mechanics were to blame? This sounds like the kind of lie he normally spouts but back then, he still had a shred of credibility and people believed him.

Green Book was nowhere near as terrible as Crash though. It was at least watchable.