Strider Ryoken

FBI: “Ok”


I was watching DBS with my 5 yo daughter and she turned to me and said “you’re a good dad like Vegeta, he cares for his kids and his wife, Goku only likes to play fighting with other people”.

No indeed they are not more interesting. Let any one of these side characters have taken the lead, exactly as their characters are, DB would have been dull, overall. They are interesting WITH Goku as main supports. However, alone is a whole other thing. Krillin will always be who he is, so will Piccolo, and at this

Vegeta has always been an asshole, he hasn’t developed much at all other then not being completely evil anymore. Krillen is always a weak cheerleader character, can’t take him serious

Yeah. Goku had his character arc in Dragon Ball. Everyone else is basically the developing cast in Z and Super. Goku is literally a tool to help develope the other characters since he is basically all fleshed out in DB. 

When I was a kid I preferred Goku, but as an adult Vegeta is my favorite character.

That is pretty much Shonen to a tee right?  When it came to Naruto i liked ALL of the characters... except Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke.  Any filler episode they weren’t in or were minimized was awesome.  They all sucked though.

I mean shit. The Tournament of power is about to start they come up with a plan that is “Hey with this we should be safe” and he abandons the plan IMMEDIATELY.  Despite the fact that he KNOWS he could lose and actually thinks that is the likely outcome.

“I think its hilarious that Vegeta has become more of a hero than Goku”

He’s also the only one who cares that Genocide Super Villain Frieza roams free.

“Cheating bitch...”

Fun fact. That “Chess Wizard” is clearly an Apple ][ running the chess game Sargon II. You can tell from the keyboard, plus I recognize the graphics from Sargon II (I had both back in the 1980s).

The first thing I thought when reading this. The star belongs to you.

Fourth game is also on PS4.

Except Cold Steel 3 ends up in a cliffhanger, to pave the way to Cold Steel 4. trails of Zero and Trails of Blue are also getting more and more important after Cold Steel 2. 

I love ranking Tales games! But generally, I maintain that:
Symphonia for best story.
Vesperia for best battle system.
Abyss for best characters/character development.

But the Avengers do tests on him. They assume he’s being mind controlled, but found nothing, since the mind was doing what it wanted. So they kicked him out of The Avengers.

Frankly the story would have worked better if Peter had died in Ends of the Earth, the arc prior to SSM, and it was public knowledge that Spider-Man supposedly sacrificed himself to stop Doc Ock.

Ill take a look at this, but the only tales game ive played was Tales of Destiny. Which was a really weird story with talking swords and stuff, but I liked it.