Strider Ryoken

Moore has a film, needs promoting it....time to pull out the “Old man yells at cloud” of the comics world.

I like the show, but Archer and the creator’s refusal to let him get the universal karma comeuppance he deserves has always annoyed me, specially because he is the cause of most of the damage and pain of most of the rest of the cast, and his asshole protagonist persona just became too grating for me in the late

You would had thought that after Lost and Star Trek into Darkness, JJ would had learned that just because some nerds figured out your big twist it doesn’t mean you have to change it just to keep it a twist.

Or you could acknowledge that just like in other superhero media, there is the supe sion of belief that superheroes match their strength to their foes.

I believe that, if I’m remembering it right, Hercules and Marvel Boy have been established/hinted at as bisexual for some time, aside from what editors have said.

Shame Wayforward didn’t getvtge chance to develop this.

You always fear the unknown.

We mocked the “PC Master Race” meme so much, of course 2020 had to go and make it real.

I feel this list is missing this:

I feel this list is missing this:

So, three new characters and a whole new campaign/story mode?

“I didn’t ask for this”


Didnt Gackt play a character based on him in Crisis Core?

We used that damn PC Master race meme so much, it actually became real, dammit!

Wait, what Double Dragon games are these? the NES or Arcade versions?

ir cracked me up that they took Scully to the vet.

Nah, Kevin is next. He got a taste for heist victory last time. 

Elan Sleazebaggano is the crap standard