Didnt Gackt play a character based on him in Crisis Core?
Wait, what Double Dragon games are these? the NES or Arcade versions?
ir cracked me up that they took Scully to the vet.
Nah, Kevin is next. He got a taste for heist victory last time.
Doom’s loyal servant and the man that raised him after the death of his parents. He is basically his butler and housekeeper.
In Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow you can actually play as Julius if you get the badn ending of the game.
I mean, would a virus even survive for more than a few seconds inside that diseased bloated carcass he calls a body?
Him dating Kate Beckinsale was as if an Adam Sandler + Woman way out of his league (looks wise, dude in reality is charming, funny and witty) movie had become reality
I mean, Jimmy Fallon was his generations Pete, and he managed to get a pretty chushy job where I can ignore him and watch Seth Meyers instead, so maybe Pete is on to something here.
This is kinda weird, given that Nascar racing is basically all about turning left.
Obama was also sort off in Shaq Fu
Is it me or it seems they put a lot of physics/detail into Nova’s posterior?
the series as a whole, i mean.
Walk is already a big reach
There are 2 video games that nearly broke me mentally and spiritually trying to understand their plot, lore and actual existence.
I am the only one that wants a TLOZ: Skyward Sword Switch version?
Hey, if he was wearing a robot costume, hes not a furry.
Im assuming Satanic Pregnancy means any pregnancy product of trump’s affairs?