
Alpha was not a part of what killed fighting games. The rise of online gaming and the death of arcades impacted how games today are developed. The alpha series was extremely popular at the time. Fighting games today are doing just fine though, otherwise they wouldn’t be made. I think fighting games may have just died

Best Radiohead album.

I love how there’s always one person who has to contradict a completely rational opinion. What’s up with these crazies?

I think you’re wrong about it being evil. You really can’t compare Blizzard with Ubisoft, EA, and the likes...

If they’re going to port it to the switch at least down grade the graphics to the point where it hits a stable 60fps.

Then who will unclog Peach’s pipes? More importantly, who will unclog Peach’s toilets from her massive shits?

I love these over-opinionated “journalists”.

Wow man! How long did it take for you to come up with your conclusion as to why Trump got elected?

haha yeah! I agree that HTC should die but the Vive is awesome.

I’m not a huge fan of consoles, but at least you actually walk into a store and buy an Xbox.

I’m not a huge fan of consoles, but at least you actually walk into a store and buy an Xbox.

I can only get so hard!

Sonic 2, 3 and Sonic and Knuckles are really fun. I dunno if CD was tho... never played.

The whole thing with Nintendo is nonsense at this point. They’re essentially releasing cheap cellphone chips but shorting supply for whatever reason. Unfortunately, in order to take full advantage of an original retro console, you’d have to have a big CRT TV and a bunch of cartridges. I’m all for that, personally.

Until Nintendo has the Switch in stores with enough stock (like the good old days) where I can walk in and just grab one, I’ll hold off. I don’t need one, until Mario Odyssey anyways. Even then, I’m not in a huge rush. I wouldn’t doubt that it will still be next to impossible to find knowing how they operate.

We can’t wait for the SNES classic because us games journalists can get our hands on them!

Yeah, they act like a bitch ass toy company shorting supply like this all the time.

Yeah. PC only. The consoles had their issues with glitches and bugs, but nothing on the lines of terrible performance.

People act as if these changes can’t be undone or removed. That’s why we have erasers! Srsly though. It does look pretty ooglay.

Yeah. I’m about to give up on overwatch. I’m not moving up in SR after 5 seasons. I hit mid master last season and this one, stuck in diamond. Lost 4 games last night from people getting tilted and leaving midmatch, one of which was a Hanzo. Lost 100 SR. I’m tired of putting in 110% in solo/duo que just to find out no

I’m not surprised by the results so far. Most people don’t have 4k and don’t want one anytime soon. Consoles are weak as shit right now and even with a GTX 1080 Ti, you won’t get much past 30fps in 4k.