
I have an iPad Air 1 and it has been chugging as slow as a slug. Whenever I type an address in safari, I can now type the whole address before it shows up on the screen. iOS9 has been nothing but horrible for me.

This is what pisses me off. Some have the machines so you can dip. Target on the other hand, requires you to dip if you have the chip. at my local grocer, I’ll dip to no avail, looking like a fool. Can we get some sort of standardization here?

Except not. SSD’s have a much lower lifespan that a traditional HDD. Electrons moving in and out of small IC chips takes its toll. Life a filament in a lightbulb has a limited lifespan when turned on and off constantly.

Except not. SSD’s have a much lower lifespan that a traditional HDD. Electrons moving in and out of small IC chips

You know what’s pandering? Half naked chicks wearing next to nothing with top heavy proportions. Yet nobody gives a shit about that.

The student rate is currently 39, going up to 49

No, she hasn't won a NASCAR race in her life.

See, this is Chicago deep dish done right. Fuck your soggy, floppy as piece of wet cardboard.

Try Ubuntu.

Hey, I'm all for it. Anything to improve that steroid tainted borefest.

Screw real baseball rules. No point in seeing the starting pitcher whiff and a carousel of relievers when the 9th slot comes to bat.

You should stop going to Giordanos and visit Burt's place/

Back to the drive through feedbag at McDs then.

That's fine that you don't care. But do you know who really cares? The gay population who are disenfranchised.

Now why would you need to toggle off your alarm clock when it's constantly flashing 12:00 all the time?

Fuck the 4 guys in the car. WTF happened to the guy walking and holding the umbrella?

You mean, he.

Really? I wondered why the eff I had roadside assistance and some Bullcrap GPS subscription on a DUMBphone when I know for a fact I wouldn't subscribe to those features. Now I know it was because I went to the ATT store prior to finding these charges.

Pretty sure Apple charges an arm and a leg for licensing.

Oh why can't they just bring the arcade classics on consoles?

They were some lonely ass people. WTF did they have to call me every 2 minutes and want to hang out all the fucking time?