
Imma guess that this game isn't even in full development yet. They just through some CGI scene together so fanboys would be touching themselves over a 2 minute clip.

FYI, its running on modified source.

I bet its a pic of his own junk he posts on "dating" sites


Why do you think you need Live to buy a game? You really think they're gonna prevent you from giving them money?

Alright, I need to stop arguing with people who use words like "stupider" and "butthurt". They initially tend to resort to personal attacks instead of valid arguments.

All I have to say is;

Thanks for the conjecture on my ignorance buddy.

What's that? I don't hear you refuting my argument about Last of Us. I'll take that as admission that I'm totally right.

Single Player, linear gameplay, unlimited respawns with no replay value? Clearly you kids don't know what games are.

Hell No, and thank god for PC.

Sorry, I don't pay 60 bucks, or even any amount more than 10 bucks, for an interactive movie.

Better idea, don't buy it.

Glad David Hayter isn't snake. Not because I don't want him to be, but the announcement would have been contrived.

But it will be like a Wii COD game.

Rayman legends? That's a 2d sidescroller. There aren't any ps3/xbox games that do native 1080p except 2d games like geometry wars.

Since when did consoles do native 1080p?

Why didn't I look it up? Because from playing D3 all last summer, I was pretty damn sure you were being sarcastic. Now I see they drastically changed it game, for the worse.

WTF is monster power? Can't tell if you're being sarcastic.

Oh, if its not split-screen, how does that make it better? Thats most certainly worse. You're restricting FOUR players to one screen?