
Because you need to draw a distinction somewhere. Especially when you're comparing userbases. And I'm speaking about hardcore computing machines, not hardcore games. (so don't get your indie hipster panties in a bunch)

Same deal with physical media, people with old SNES cartridges are screwed if their console dies, which happens a lot sooner than a service like steam goes offline.

Physical copies?

PC gaming is by far cheaper, when games cost far less than consoles and their paid services.

As a PC gamer myself, even I can see the apples-oranges comparison you made with PS3-PC sales. A very very low percentage of that 340 million use it as a hardcore gaming machine, while the rest is solely for word processing/internet. I mean come on, determining userbases is as easy as looking at game sales on

They still doing this? Surprised they have the million to throw around since MLB#K supposedly can't even turn a profit.

Kind of a scummy thing to do.

Then you're not looking hard enough Jesus. I can almost always find new games CHEAPER than the used prices at gamestop.

Im not mad that the hobbit is a prequel in the cinema sense.

I don't get how people even bought a WiiU after the craptastic Wii.

It's just converted to play on the wiiu, while still originating on a smartphone.

A smartphone game is well, a game on a smartphone.

While I don't.

Pretty sure its in regards of always online being a rumor, not fact.

The top 25 is also a link to some two-bit half brain website, and EVEN they link to the same exact top 100.

We that's exactly why I though, "hmm, like every other episode is Breaking Bad, this doesn't feel right."

Well this is a product of a shitty job.

By your rationale, Michael Bay is one of the best directors around and Justin Bieber is the world's best artist.