
Hey Lucy,

Seriously, not trolling.

I got 3, 1 as a dedicated samba/miniDLNA, torrent server and XBMC, and they all run fine all at the same time, even when xbmc is running 1080p video. If you're looking for a good GUI computer, then yea, it sucks. If you know your way around command line without a desktop environment, the RPi is pretty versatile.

Anyone have a suggestion for a powered usb hub for portable 2.5 drives? I have to run a powered external hard drive and would love to use a quiet portable instead. It seems that the USB ports don't provide enough power.

Yea but the Pi can do a lot more than just NAS simultaneously. You can run torrent servers, xbmc, NAS, http server, ............ plus at a low cost.

LOL, is that where we're at in terms of graphics? Hair effects?

They own the physical note, you just own the credits it represents.

C'mon, its Fox News. Its a fantasy world that negates facts. Anything factual is regarded as the evil liberal mainstream media.

Anyone remember growing up in the late 80s and having those 900 number hotline commercials. A lot were clearly aimed at kids, with promises of toys if you called to talk to characters like He-man for 9.99/minute phone call. This is practically the newer version of that.

Nah that's bullcrap. He still did all the work.

So then what is the video game analogy for Zuckerberg?

Well, some people like to drive custom cars and some people like Toyota Corollas.

So if I got a hooker and told her to pay me a dollar in exchange for 20 then its all gravy?

That and somehow the porn industry isn't considered prostitution.

Whoa, chill the fuck out. That wasn't a personal statement, that was pointing out a logical fallacy. It's become apparent that you're just trying to be antagonistic.

Don't make up a hypothetical statement in his defense. Obviously he wasn't, and still, why the home addresses? Are you planning on publishing peoples private info?

I'd say if you're proactive in your approach, its not a fantasy anymore. I don't even care if he actually didn't end up committing a crime, being proactive about committing one is enough to punish him.

Why do you need crucial information about "fantasized" targets when its all just a fantasy? Shouldn't he just make it up, instead of going through the logistics of planning out the crime?

Sigh, this place used to be fun. /irony

No, any rational person can see you were joking, as it'll be ridiculous calling it in long fashion. I responded by joking that its all just shit anyway when American cheese is used. Somehow you believe that you're not only funnier than I am, but your joke rises above my attempt, and therefore you regard me as some fun