I really hate the fact that people can be banned from using exploits. Like its the job of the player to not use the exploit, not the fault of the developer to close said bug.
I really hate the fact that people can be banned from using exploits. Like its the job of the player to not use the exploit, not the fault of the developer to close said bug.
Well lets be fair here.
See, that's where the immaturity of you post comes from. You do nothing but use ad hominems to leverage your argument, its one of the basic levels of immaturity.
Ironically, the only immature response is from you.
Back in the day when I worked at Software Etc. I totally remember this old lady (I'd say she was around 60 -70s range) who regularly came in to the store and bought every JRPG that came out for the original playstation. Everything from Final Fantasys to Vagrant Story.
I guess anything that doesn't have aliens, gore, pew pew, and screaming 12 year olds yelling racist obscenities doesn't qualify as a "real" game.
Boy did I hate the Hobbit. Loved the book, but I don't know what it is about the movie. It seemed like if Michael Bay had directed the Lord of the Rings.
If you read the piece, nobody made the connection between gun violence and video games. They simply made the link or disassociation between elevated levels of adrenaline and aggression derived from competition, ya know, the thing people experience when playing competitive sports.
"I dont even need to read this.
So Skype uses p2p transfer protocol to stream its services.
No freaking way.
Too bad nobody conducted a study on the statistic for picking up sarcasm.
Well that statement was more of a joke, even though it might be "true".
Sure, because we're not a product of our environment right. Like the term "product of their time" to describe a elderly person's thinking is all null and void. But you're right, all behavioral studies are wrong and some poster's kotaku's comment is the only correct source.
Except every statement that proceeds it. I'd say violent games contribute to a person's debauchery, but doesn't have to make them violent.
They should've looked into being project managers, not engineers.
Well I'd might have to disagree with that.
So let me get this straight, you read my comment, including the portion where I said that violent games aren't responsible for violence, and proceed to put words into my mouth?