
Your notion that because our idea of passing is a higher grade constitutes having higher standards is proof positive our education system is a horrid mess.

Yo, dawg.

I'm totally surprised youre the only one who realized that.

And those bastards will still not use dual analog sticks

Yea, i dunno whats wrong with mine then. maybe its the theme im using? I does the same thing on both my desktop and my laptop with SSD drive. I dunno what it is, but it does annoy me to no end.

ugg, 5 bucks.

Eww god, no thanks. I sincerely hate metro with a passion, though I do like everything else about Windows 8.

I'm still in search of a good start button. Im using classic shell and it seems extremely so to load (somethings in excess of 10 secs). anyone have any good suggestions or performance tweaks/

LOL I was thinking the exact same thing. I saw the writeup for this and saw it uses a connection with the Power headers on your motherboard, so it wasnt anything innovative at all. Then I thought, you can easily do this with the GPIO on the raspberry, and I already have my raspberry on as a torrent/media server anyway.

No, there were no Wiis being sold at 1000 a piece. Out the gate from launch the mean price was 700 bucks, tapering off to about 450 around the new year. Not the 1000 bucks being sold well into 2007 as the article states. If I were to take isolated incidents to cite the current prices, I could well state that someone

In regards to gamebeat.

Looks like they were trying to score some lunch.



Pretty sad that my relatively old PC is more powerful than this brand new console.

People who listen to slayer now are the one's who work in IT, play WoW all day, and have arguments regarding iOS vs. Android.

Slayer Vans?

You need to let people know that, like most of the time with high demand items, its either the unit was stolen and stock doesnt reflect that, or in most cases, employees are holding items for themselves to purchase later.

Damn you and your....math and....logic.

make joke more better please.