
I also felt that the sort of "pout" face she makes when Cole sends her away to speak with Albert privately seemed so hugely affected that it HAD to be something she was putting on falsely. I don't know. Everything ABOUT Tamara screams "there is more to this person than it seems" to me - which is a huge theme of the

ALSO - I had never seen FWWM and watched it over the weekend, then started the original series back from the beginning… and have become utterly convinced that Frost, Lynch, and Ray Wise all knew Leland Palmer was the killer right from the first episode. The way Ray Wise plays Leland ever-so-slyly suggests at

Good point - it's also very Twin Peaks-y to change it up in such a way as to point out that what Sarah Palmer is doing in that house might not really count as 'living' at all, if you think about it.

They're only concerned with ensuring the "desirable" population isn't lost. Undesirables don't count as human to them.

True. Cooper is a smart man who has been established as understanding that there is more to the world than we realize - if anyone would catch the "wait, the creep who abused you as a kid hasn't aged?" fact, it would be Coop.

Cyndee is implied to be 15ish when kidnapped and I think Gretchen was a young adult - but her upbringing never allowed her to think for herself so she was easily trapped by a strong personality. Donna Maria was like 30.

This being Lynch, there's a chance we get a reveal that Tamara is much more astute and cold than she looks and "sexy FBI agent" is a costume she puts on to get her male coworkers and supervisors to underestimate her.

I loved original TP's goofiness as much as its creepy intensity but part of a Lynch production is being willing to let Lynch take you on whatever insane journey he's got planned.

I've never realized that before. That's an amazing detail with that pointed out.

If he doesn't, it'll be just shy of criminal.

It could be, but I think it's more complicated than it being Josie. Josie's still trapped in that doorknob as far as we know. There has been a suggestion that Naido is Josie's sister "Judy", mentioned briefly in Fire Walk With Me but otherwise unexplained.

It makes sense, except that where Sarah drinks and where she lives are basically the same place.

Yeah, he clearly WAS a BOB creation - he aped domestic bliss but was following a pretty dark path - but still. He only got one momentary realization that he wasn't even real and then… meltyhand.

There's a theory that it's the Log Lady's husband, who died in a fire.

Anyone else feel legitimately terrible for poor Dougie Jones in the end?

Also HOW DO PEOPLE NOT CALL AN AMBULANCE for a man who has clearly had some kind of neurological episode?!

He's such an innately good person that it continues to shine through. Maclachlan is doing amazing work here.

Jade is such a nice prostitute.

That's fair. I'll give you that point.

There is a deeply layered hilarity in the deadly seriousness with which you took a joking comment on an article about a joke presidential campaign.