The claim that the world didn’t deserve the Obamas is non - sensical. That is pure propagandic.
you probably did not deserve that child. way to use him as a punchline! lololol bro! sooooo edgy
damn how does all that salt taste? i bet that you are not more intelligent than Professor Michael Eric Dyson. so if you really want to argue about kobe's skill level, try him.
It’s cliche to accuse a white boy of probably not playing any ball. but this idiot irrespective of his gameplay has the basketball understanding akin to Rick Carlisle. you don’t & can’t ball, wigger. i’ll let you figure out how to write the rajon apology article....let’s hope your analysis gives way to actual…
you are a fucking moron.
shut the fuck up mr.reid
hhari kondabolu is your favourite??? lol. LOL......aaaaaahahahaha
lol i imagine texts that show barack standing by as russia interefered....one of two daughters smokes weeed-uh...and michelle is a avid alex jones listener. i guess we both fantasize.
damn...allison is sooooo cute.
you clearly don’t understand the function of stereotyping. so go educate yourself.
yeah try reading the ‘Blank Slate’ by steven pinker. you might actually learm how stereotypes function in creating an understanding of society. the OP didn’t specifically cite pinker but if you had knowledge yourself you would not have attempted to be obtuse in your response.
its time that you fuck right off. i stopped reading when it became obvious you are a little bitch. one sentence.
if you didn’t have such a anthropomorphic understanding/usage of language, then maybe you would be able to understand that the words you referenced CAN easily be attributed to any being that meets specific criterion to be described as such with no regard to their “personhood.”
bitches, this is the kind of comment that is the product of a person attempting to smart.
i love how you are extremely stupid. the abthropomorphizing of animals is the prelude to mistreatment??? please provide one iota of evidence that indicated that this “anthro” process takes place before abuse occurs....wait....i have one for you. you are a little bitch and im gonna fuck you up.
this is elite.
you guys are morons. reading comprehension is 🔑