Those guys really have some big stones under them....
Those guys really have some big stones under them....
"omg. So much funny. I contrast the lack of humanity in terrorist attacks with a 20 year old kid's gifs. Lololol. Look how well my mother raised me."
"..when I spit these lyrics/so don't look at me weird/When I start shifting gears /and shit resmears/ all over Britney Spears/And these little Disney queers/Who use chicks for beards..."
rumor has it she is "chill as fuck," because she is actually a cold blooded reptilian being. IMHO #coldAsIce
bitch bad, woman good
Lolz, so clever. Good use of your mother's basement, for sure.
I think someone wants to project their lack of confidence onto kobe. We all know that your pussy ass wouldn't take the shot, Kevin, Lol. Keep Kobe's name out of your mouth. "You don't have the accolades" required.
Suck on my cock-sauce. Sriracha 4 lyfe.