
If you’re self-aware enough to say “You have to remember I’m 21 and still have lots to learn,” then you’re self-aware enough to not be able to use that as an excuse.

Plot twist: diamond engagement ring is left sitting in the bottom of a wine glass while he’s hauled away.

Isn’t it entirely possible that the previous owner did this and the dealership had no idea?

Saw a really nice black w/ silver Shelby Mustang over the weekend - seemed natural the left front fender was caved in.


I was one of the Miami crew there for the exclusive reveal of the redesigned xB and new xD... 10 years ago now. Back then I think everybody in the room’s reaction was “well...... thanks for the party!” I have to say that, and the sale of ScionLife to a group that didn’t care to maintain the community really torched

At one point, Scion flew a bunch of us down to Miami for a weekend and threw us a party for the reveal of the redesigned xB and the new xD. It was one hell of a party. I can tell you for certain though that had we not all been completely shithoused (open bar! private concert! famous modded cars!) when it came time for

As a former ScionLife mod and serious brand enthusiast/participant, I wholeheartedly back this article in its entirety.

Dammit, I clicked. >_<

You can only carry a team so far.

I’m... so sorry.

This is a really old post of course but I found myself looking for these files all this time later when I had a system crash. Still looks great in Yosemite! Dead ends everywhere, until I dug into the Wayback Machine:

Still screwed if you’re in the front seat.

What is that red one?

Could use some kind of....... Tesla coil.....

Those rear doors seem great except if you’re parking in a space that tight, the people in the front still can’t get out.

Crossovers are basically for families, yes? It would seem to me that you could take some of the resources out of the speed/performance column and apply them to other innovations, like some method of evaporating booger collections from interior walls, line enforcement or a hypnosis pod. At least give me little nubs in


He was only wearing hockey pads. :(

What is THIS amazing gif from?