
Jesus Diaz spoiled it when sharing your article on Gizmodo. Thanks for the warning the first time around anyway. :: shakes fist at Jesus ::

That is really pretty. I hope that will work, if yes I'd buy that.

Damn. I was hoping for an upgraded Nike Kinect at launch... one that really makes use of the new hardware.

I'm with Karl for sure - I'd love to see this cast/ship in a TV series... even a 13-episode-per-season setup. All the other movies have had that solid base to jump from. Create some major issues that are taken on in a movie. Maybe?

Spray-on coating? If this can really work on existing windows... shut up and take my money! Then someone make a SmartThings whatsit to hook it up to my phone!

Have you considered upgrading from CompuServe to AOL?

So, pay the baggage fees or they call the bomb squad and get you arrested? Sounds like a racket to me.

Black Gold. BLACK GOLD!

Where's my twin turbo t-top version?!

George Zimmerman stopped my microwave when my pizza rolls hit the exact perfect temperature. Dude's a hero.

Is Detroit too big to fail?

I also recently discovered Waze. It's great, and it works on my double-DIN Pioneer deck so it's nicely integrated into my 300zx.

First of all, I'm angry to have been sucked into reading this article, because it's possibly the only one opposing whatever everybody else knows: these changes are a good thing.

Not for the 3rd iPad? Come on. The 4th gen released 8 lousy months later and was practically a secret. #rageface

It really is. It may have the best ending ever filmed throughout the course of cinematic history.

That guy actually is short one eye for real! Careful getting involved with this movie - you will have parties around it!

One where an ancient game becomes a deadly sport.

The last Call of Duty I played was based on WWII. Doesn't WWII cause violent video games?

Ack, you had me until #12. Brandon Routh's Superman should be undone along with Smallville. I just saw him as a complete creeper.