
Can't wait for this. Plus, much cheaper than 2 kinects.

Uhh..... cover it back up. At least til after 2012. Please?

Love it. My place has concrete ceilings and I thought spots of that on the walls would be neat. Pretty expensive though...

Too bad it probably won't be able to utilize Siri (w/o jailbreaking). The most frequently used feature on my phone was me being able to tell it "I need a bus home."

I want to believe that he asked for one thing and the tattoo artist gave him what he wanted to, because NOBODY... can POSSIBLY be that stupid. I'm adding this guy to my brand new dead pool because he's going to be killed in prison before he's 30.

Commence with the War on Boners. Has anybody revisited the fact we were colonized by by a group called "Puritans" since kindergarten? Lucky us.

QR code stamp in 3...2...1...

Agreed, this is not an issue. It allows you to receive ads on Facebook from a company that you've already given your email address (Dominos for example).

Best comment I've ever seen on Giz, I think.

Ah, I wish I had seen this earlier. My submission has a 3-wheeler in the back!

Funny how days later I can come back and read comments, and wonder why the hell I'd post that. I'm such a jerk. (Sorry :)

Rhetorical questions are rhetorical - what a beautiful place!

You're right. I fell for it, too. That's kinda a jerk thing to do, Giz.

Yes, do tell. Where?

I have a new goal in my life, and this is it.

Meanwhile... Firefly still cancelled.

Burn Notice: “Making a getaway is always more about precise handling than raw horsepower. So in a hostile situation, rear-wheel drive is a nice advantage. That said, it doesn’t hurt to have over three-hundred horsepower at your fingertips.” (about the always present Genesis Coupe)

Waiting for the turbo version.

I believe the actual term for that link is "farked"

Looks like someone needs a screensaver password and less roommates.