
Yes. The Bugatti Veyron is a boring, stupid car (that I could build better) with an idiot driving on a boring stupid road in front of idiot stupid friends and a superhero police officer. All videos of stupid idiot boring cars going 225mph in a straight line should be banned from the Internet because nobody wants to

Lights can be auto-activated by a signal in your phone... maybe attached for serial offenders like breathalyzer starters.

Please apply this technology to beer. Thanks.

This makes me think there would be mass suicides if Facebook and/or Twitter did this. (DO IT!!)


My research indicates that this chess set is the best one for chessboxing.

You just sold me one of these things.

You saw it in this comment first: Velosteraptor.

Buncha hipsters running this site - hey, not all movies are meant to be Oscar bait. #ffffuuuugiz

Every single "medical breakthrough" article has a thread about "NO WAY MAN, there will be unintended side effects, just you watch!" I wonder if they'd prefer we didn't try to eradicate horrible diseases. These aren't exactly meth labs...

That was the first thing I thought of when the story first came out. I wouldn't be at all surprised if that is what actually happened.

The tC has/had a TRD supercharger option which was reigned in considerably. That engine bay had TONS of room to play in (not this one tho). The engine internals were built to handle that sort of thing from the get-go... I'm interested to see how this plays out. To me it definitely seems like something I'd want to wait

I need to get out of this country.

Yes, he shot the police with a less-than-lethal camera. He totally had it coming.

Because we watch TV and see hun-day commercials.


Yes. Let's not be afraid to innovate.

Hopefully 30% cheaper means paying pilots a decent wage so they don't have to be stressed about ANYTHING while they fly me around.

On the other hand, stealing a wallet isn't worth your life either. Don't risk it, you have no idea who you're dealing with. Some people prefer to maim more than put you out of your misery.

Yes, I personally think they're great - I just got to share the experience of incredibly rare horrible side effects. It was pretty unnerving.