
Where did I say what he did was acceptable? I just take issue with the idea that if you treat your kid's mom like crap you can't possibly be a good man. That's weird, sexist bullshit. Lots of women take revenge against their unfaithful or just crappy exes and you never hear people say, "OMG! IF YOU TREAT THE FATHER OF

We really have no idea what went on in their relationship though. You might feel threatened, you don't know what actually went on between them.

I don't disagree with you that you shouldn't be shitty to your child's parent. But that's not completely on the man in the situation. I think Eminem and his ex were both fucking nuts and weren't ready to have a kid when they did.

Not all mothers are good mothers. Pretty much any man or woman can produce a child. I'm not saying he should have recorded those songs, but the domestic violence and emotional abuse may have been mutual. Why is it on the man to treat the mother of his child like a paragon of virtue even if she isn't? He adopted his

Yes, but his kid turned out all right. Maybe he was a crap dad, but he wasn't crap in the way of pushing his kid into the spot light ala Billie Ray Cyrus and Kris Jenner.

Oh, T-Boz...

That escalated quickly.

Why are you trying to sound like a black woman? "It ain't my male-ass fault" shut the fuck up and don't use Our Phrases plz

HAHAHAHAHA WHAT???? 1700 dollars? That's a damn car where I come from. I would never ask someone to spend that on my wedding, nor would I spend that on someone else's. You've gotta be fucking kidding me. If you can even afford to consider spending that, you are privileged as hell.

When you get off on the fantasy of being forced into sex.

I would almost think you're a woman incognito who's just trying to make MRAs look like assholes.

Ya'll need to kick him out of the club.

I swear to God this dude is only taking issue because it's a lower-class black man. How dare white women lust over a black dude that isn't super wealthy???? It's challenging his world view so much his head is exploding.

He could be a professor and people would still think he's sexy. He's an objectively good looking man. Haven't you ever seen "hot mugshot girl"? Google it. People think it's funny that he's so good looking *in spite* of his tattoos and felon status. We, as a society, stereotype people. We expect a felon to be a nasty,

I'm not into tattoos or the bad boy thing, but he has beautiful eyes and nice bone structure. Why would he even mention a rape fantasy unless he thinks feminist bloggers can't find a darker skinned man sexy unless it's a "rape fantasy"? Newsflash: Attraction comes in many forms. Sorry, MRAs, but women are visual

Why would it have to be a rape fantasy? My brother is a felon and he has had several girlfriends. He hasn't raped anybody. What is it, that he's black? He has tats? Women can't find a man attractive without it being some kind of rough sex fantasy unless he's a wealthy white man? Go fuck yourself. I'm sorry if your $$$

Why can't people find who they want attractive? He's not my bag, I'm not going to shit on someone who thinks he's sexy. I think Ed Sheeran is sexy. My mom thinks Nic Cage is a dreamboat (which is hilarious, but again, I'm not judging anyone). Why do you feel like it's your business?